Hans Frauenfelder
Hans Frauenfelder
Los Alamos National Laboratory
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The energy landscapes and motions of proteins
H Frauenfelder, SG Sligar, PG Wolynes
Science 254 (5038), 1598-1603, 1991
Dynamics of ligand binding to myoglobin
RH Austin, KW Beeson, L Eisenstein, H Frauenfelder, IC Gunsalus
Biochemistry 14 (24), 5355-5373, 1975
Temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction as a probe of protein structural dynamics
H Frauenfelder, GA Petsko, D Tsernoglou
Nature 280 (5723), 558-563, 1979
Conformational substates in proteins
H Frauenfelder, F Parak, RD Young
Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry 17 (1), 451-479, 1988
Protein states and proteinquakes.
A Ansari, J Berendzen, SF Bowne, H Frauenfelder, IE Iben, TB Sauke, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82 (15), 5000-5004, 1985
Alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ray spectroscopy
H Frauenfelder, RM Steffen
Angular Correlation, 997, 1965
A unified model of protein dynamics
H Frauenfelder, G Chen, J Berendzen, PW Fenimore, H Jansson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (13), 5129-5134, 2009
Solvent viscosity and protein dynamics
D Beece, L Eisenstein, H Frauenfelder, D Good, MC Marden, L Reinisch, ...
Biochemistry 19 (23), 5147-5157, 1980
Slaving: solvent fluctuations dominate protein dynamics and functions
PW Fenimore, H Frauenfelder, BH McMahon, FG Parak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (25), 16047-16051, 2002
The Mössbauer effect: A review-with a collection of reprints
H Frauenfelder
(No Title), 1962
Rate theories and puzzles of hemeprotein kinetics
H Frauenfelder, PG Wolynes
Science 229 (4711), 337-345, 1985
Bulk-solvent and hydration-shell fluctuations, similar to α-and β-fluctuations in glasses, control protein motions and functions
PW Fenimore, H Frauenfelder, BH McMahon, RD Young
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (40), 14408-14413, 2004
Glassy behavior of a protein
IET Iben, D Braunstein, W Doster, H Frauenfelder, MK Hong, JB Johnson, ...
Physical review letters 62 (16), 1916, 1989
Ligand binding to heme proteins: connection between dynamics and function
PJ Steinbach, A Ansari, J Berendzen, D Braunstein, K Chu, BR Cowen, ...
Biochemistry 30 (16), 3988-4001, 1991
Rebinding and relaxation in the myoglobin pocket
A Ansari, J Berendzen, D Braunstein, BR Cowen, H Frauenfelder, ...
Biophysical chemistry 26 (2-3), 337-355, 1987
Subatomic physics
H Frauenfelder, EM Henley
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1974
The role of structure, energy landscape, dynamics, and allostery in the enzymatic function of myoglobin
H Frauenfelder, BH McMahon, RH Austin, K Chu, JT Groves
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (5), 2370-2374, 2001
Conformational substates in a protein: structure and dynamics of metmyoglobin at 80 K.
H Hartmann, F Parak, W Steigemann, GA Petsko, DR Ponzi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79 (16), 4967-4971, 1982
Proteins and pressure
H Frauenfelder, NA Alberding, A Ansari, D Braunstein, BR Cowen, ...
Journal of Physical Chemistry 94 (3), 1024-1037, 1990
Protein folding is slaved to solvent motions
H Frauenfelder, PW Fenimore, G Chen, BH McMahon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (42), 15469-15472, 2006
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Articles 1–20