Axel Belinfante
Axel Belinfante
University of Twente, The Netherlands
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Formal test automation: A simple experiment
A Belinfante, J Feenstra, RG de Vries, J Tretmans, N Goga, L Feijs, ...
12th Int. Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, 179-196, 1999
Automatic testing with formal methods
J Tretmans, A Belinfante
EuroSTAR’99: 7th European Int. Conference on Software Testing, Analysis …, 1999
JTorX: A tool for on-line model-driven test derivation and execution
A Belinfante
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 266-270, 2010
Timed testing with TorX
H Bohnenkamp, A Belinfante
FM 2005: Formal Methods, 173-188, 2005
Tools for Test Case Generation
A Belinfante, L Frantzen, C Schallhart
Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, 67-76, 2005
DFTCalc: A Tool for Efficient Fault Tree Analysis
F Arnold, A Belinfante, F Van der Berg, D Guck, M Stoelinga
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 293-301, 2013
Formal test automation: The conference protocol with TGV/Torx
L Du Bousquet, S Ramangalahy, S Simon, C Viho, A Belinfante, ...
Testing of Communicating Systems–TestCom, 221-228, 2000
The Term Processor Kimwitu Manual and Cookbook
P van Eijk, A Belinfante
University of Twente, Department of Computer Science and Department of …, 1992
Experiences with formal engineering: Model-based specification, implementation and testing of a software bus at Neopost
M Sijtema, A Belinfante, MIA Stoelinga, L Marinelli
Science of Computer Programming 80, 188-209, 2014
Experiences with Formal Engineering: Model-Based Specification, Implementation and Testing of a Software Bus at Neopost.
M Sijtema, M Stoelinga, A Belinfante, L Marinelli
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 117-133, 2011
JTorX: exploring model-based testing
AFE Belinfante
University of Twente, 2014
Côte de Resyste in PROGRESS
R de Vries, J Tretmans, A Belinfante, J Feenstra, L Feijs, S Mauw, N Goga, ...
STW Technology Foundation, editor, Progress, 141-148, 2000
Automated testing in practice: The highway tolling system
RG de Vries, A Belinfante, J Feenstra
Testing of Communicating Systems 14, 219-234, 2002
The term processor generator Kimwitu
P Van Eijk, A Belinfante, H Eertink, H Alblas
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 96-111, 1997
Specification based formal testing: The easylink case study
A Belinfante, J Feenstra, L Heerink, RG de Vries
Progress 2001–2nd Workshop on Embedded Systems, 73-82, 2001
Dftcalc: a tool for efficient fault tree analysis (extended version)
F Arnold, A Belinfante, F Berg, D Guck, M Stoelinga
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, 2013
Timed testing with TorX: The Oosterschelde storm surge barrier
A Belinfante
Handout 8e Nederlandse Testdag”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2002
Timed model-based testing
HC Bohnenkamp, AFE Belinfante
Embedded Systems Institute ESI, 2007
Côte de Resyste Automatic model-based testing of communication protocols
A Belinfante, E Brinksma, J Feenstra, J Tretmans, RG de Vries
Mobile Communications in Perspective–7th Annual CTIT Workshop, 49-51, 2001
Publishing Your Prototype Tool on the Web: PUPTOL, a Framework
AFE Belinfante, A Rensink
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, 2013
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Articles 1–20