Articles with public access mandates - Tristan FournierLearn more
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Eating according to one’s genes? Exploring the French public’s understanding of and reactions to personalized nutrition
T Fournier, JP Poulain
Qualitative health research 28 (14), 2195-2207, 2018
Mandates: World Health Organization
Cheeses Lying Fallow. The Difficult Revival of Cheese Production in a Post-industrial Ariège Valley (Pyrenees, France)
T Fournier, O Lepiller, G Simonet
Journal of Alpine Research| Revue de géographie alpine, 2022
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Des fromages en friches. Le difficile renouveau de la production fromagère dans une vallée post-industrielle ariégeoise
T Fournier, O Lepiller, G Simonet
Journal of Alpine Research| Revue de géographie alpine, 2022
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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