James Retell
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Cited by
Teaching careers: Exploring links between well-being, burnout, self-efficacy and praxis shock
J Ballantyne, J Retell
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2255, 2020
Visual search for color and shape: When is the gaze guided by feature relationships, when by feature values?
SI Becker, AM Harris, D Venini, JD Retell
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 40 (1), 264, 2014
Visual crowding at a distance during predictive remapping
WJ Harrison, JD Retell, RW Remington, JB Mattingley
Current Biology 23 (9), 793-798, 2013
Segmentation by depth does not always facilitate visual search
NJ Finlayson, RW Remington, JD Retell, PM Grove
Journal of Vision 13 (8), 11-11, 2013
Oculomotor capture by new and unannounced color singletons during visual search
JD Retell, D Venini, SI Becker
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 1529-1543, 2015
Alcohol and breast cancer: Results from the women's wellness after cancer program randomized controlled trial
S Balaam, TG Bailey, D Anderson, J Retell, AL McCarthy
Cancer nursing 45 (2), 87-95, 2022
An effective attentional set for a specific colour does not prevent capture by infrequently presented motion distractors
JD Retell, SI Becker, RW Remington
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (7), 1340-1365, 2016
Previously seen and expected stimuli elicit surprise in the context of visual search
JD Retell, SI Becker, RW Remington
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 774-788, 2016
Mirror blindness: Our failure to recognize the target in search for mirror-reversed shapes
SI Becker, JD Retell, JM Wolfe
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 85 (2), 418-437, 2023
Individual and area level factors associated with the breast cancer diagnostic-treatment interval in Queensland, Australia
JD Retell, JK Cameron, JF Aitken, P Youl, C Pyke, J Dunn, S Chambers, ...
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 203 (3), 575-586, 2024
Mirror Blindness: Our Failure to Recognize the Target in Search for Mirror-Reversed Shapes
SI Becker, JD Retell, JM Wolfe
PERCEPTION 50 (1_ SUPPL), 61-61, 2021
Oculomotor capture by the unexpected: exploring the temporal profile of surprise in visual search.
J Retell, D Venini, S Becker
Journal of Vision 15 (12), 310-310, 2015
Attentional control: the role of task-expectations in determining attentional selection
J Retell
Time compressions for dynamic tests following 1st and 2nd order motion adaptation
J Retell, A Johnston, D Arnold
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1148-1148, 2014
The effects of grouping search elements by depth on target selection
N Finlayson, R Remington, J Retell, P Grove
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1242-1242, 2013
The contributions of expectancy and prior exposure to the surprise response in visual search.
J Retell, S Becker, R Remington
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 165-165, 2013
Segmentation by depth does not always facilitate
NJ Finlayson, RW Remington, JD Retell, PM Grove
Predictive remapping preserves elementary visual features across saccades
W Harrison, J Retell, R Remington, J Mattingley
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 444-444, 2012
The role of reward in driving attention shifts.
J Retell, A Kunde, MC Lein, R Remington
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 370-370, 2012
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Articles 1–19