Jochen Frey
Jochen Frey
pioneo GmbH
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Cited by
A gesture based system for context–sensitive interaction with smart homes
R Neßelrath, C Lu, CH Schulz, J Frey, J Alexandersson
Ambient Assisted Living: 4. AAL-Kongress 2011, Berlin, Germany, January 25 …, 2011
Peer energy cloud--civil marketplace for trading renewable energies
B Brandherm, J Baus, J Frey
2012 Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 375-378, 2012
Synchronized realities
C Stahl, J Frey, J Alexandersson, B Brandherm
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 3 (1), 13-25, 2011
Supporting persons with special needs in their daily life in a smart home
R Neßelrath, J Haupert, J Frey, B Brandherm
2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 370-373, 2011
Towards Pluggable user Interfaces for People with Cognitive Disabilities.
J Frey, C Schulz, R Neßelrath, V Stein, J Alexandersson
HEALTHINF, 428-431, 2010
AdAPT--A Dynamic Approach for Activity Prediction and Tracking for Ambient Intelligence
J Frey
2013 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 254-257, 2013
A generic layout-tool for summaries of meetings in a constraint-based approach
S Castronovo, J Frey, P Poller
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: 5th International Workshop …, 2008
The DFKI competence center for ambient assisted living
J Frey, C Stahl, T Röfer, B Krieg-Brückner, J Alexandersson
International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, 310-314, 2010
Smartcase: A smart home environment in a suitcase
J Frey, S Bergweiler, J Alexandersson, E Gholamsaghaee, N Reithinger, ...
2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 378-381, 2011
Analyzing sounds of home environment for device recognition
S Dimitrov, J Britz, B Brandherm, J Frey
Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2014, Eindhoven, The …, 2014
An open standardized platform for dual reality applications
J Frey, R Neßelrath, C Stahl
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces …, 2011
Amigram-a general-purpose tool for multimodal corpus annotation
C Lauer, J Frey, B Lang, T Becker, T Kleinbauer, J Alexandersson
Proc. of MLMI, 2005
Bridging the gap between smart home and agents
J Britz, J Frey, J Alexandersson
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 31-38, 2014
SensHome: towards a corpus for everyday activities in smart homes
J Frey, R Neßelrath, CH Schulz, J Alexandersson
Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing …, 2010
Accessible elevator
A Gauterin, J Alexandersson, R Neßelrath, CH Schulz, J Frey, A Schmidt, ...
Technik für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben-5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 1 (24), 2012-01, 2012
ASaP-Integrationsplattform für Smart Services in Intelligenten Umgebungen
J Frey
EvA-A Self Adaptable Event-Based Recognition Framework for Three-Dimensional Activity Zones
J Frey, C Neurohr, J Britz, B Brandherm
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 87-94, 2014
Universally Accessible Interactive Services on TV: A Case Study on the Provisioning of Internet Services to Elderly People
CH Schulz, I Zinnikus, P Kapahnke, J Frey, R Nesselrath, ...
Ambient Assisted Living, 4 AAL-Kongress, Berlin. Springer, 2011
User-Centred Tool Support—Developing User Interfaces for Persons with Special Needs
J Frey, T Gard, J Alexandersson
Workshop on Tool-Support for Mobile and Pervasive Application Development, 2010
Convergence of Internet of Services and Internet of Appliances: Extending the Universal Remote Console to Web Services
J Alexandersson, I Zinnikus, J Frey, G Zimmermann, G Epelde, J Bund, ...
Workshop on future standards for Model-Based User Interfaces. Rome, 2010
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Articles 1–20