Ricardo Melchiori
Ricardo Melchiori
Coordinador Área de Investigación. INTA EEA PARANA
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Climatic and water availability effects on water‐use efficiency in wheat
PE Abbate, JL Dardanelli, MG Cantarero, M Maturano, RJM Melchiori, ...
Crop Science 44 (2), 474-483, 2004
Impact of soybean cropping frequency on soil carbon storage in Mollisols and Vertisols
LE Novelli, OP Caviglia, RJM Melchiori
Geoderma 167, 254-260, 2011
Plant‐to‐plant variability in corn production
KL Martin, PJ Hodgen, KW Freeman, R Melchiori, DB Arnall, RK Teal, ...
Agronomy Journal 97 (6), 1603-1611, 2005
Protection of soil organic C and N in temperate and tropical soils: effect of native and agroecosystems
KP Fabrizzi, CW Rice, TJC Amado, J Fiorin, P Barbagelata, R Melchiori
Biogeochemistry 92, 129-143, 2009
Nitrogen utilization efficiency in maize as affected by hybrid and N rate in late-sown crops
OP Caviglia, RJM Melchiori, VO Sadras
Field Crops Research 168, 27-37, 2014
Maize kernel growth and kernel water relations as affected by nitrogen supply
RJM Melchiori, OP Caviglia
Field Crops Research 108 (3), 198-205, 2008
Improving resource productivity at a crop sequence level
OP Caviglia, RH Rizzalli, JP Monzon, FO Garcia, RJM Melchiori, ...
Field Crops Research 235, 129-141, 2019
Spatio‐temporal nitrogen fertilizer response in maize: Field study and modeling approach
SM Albarenque, B Basso, OP Caviglia, RJM Melchiori
Agronomy Journal 108 (5), 2110-2122, 2016
Development and evaluation of an automatic software for management zone delineation
EM Albornoz, AC Kemerer, R Galarza, N Mastaglia, R Melchiori, ...
Precision Agriculture 19, 463-476, 2018
Water and solar radiation productivity of double-crops in a humid temperate area
NV Van Opstal, OP Caviglia, RJM Melchiori
Australian Journal of Crop Science 5 (13), 1760-1766, 2011
Contribution of contrasting plant hierarchies to the response to N fertilizer in maize
OP Caviglia, RJM Melchiori
Field Crops Research 122 (2), 131-139, 2011
Attainable yield and soil texture as drivers of maize response to nitrogen: A synthesis analysis for Argentina
AA Correndo, FH Gutiérrez-Boem, FO García, C Alvarez, C Álvarez, ...
Field Crops Research 273, 108299, 2021
Nitrogen economy of early and late-sown maize crops
NE Maltese, RJM Melchiori, GA Maddonni, JM Ferreyra, OP Caviglia
Field Crops Research 231, 40-50, 2019
Assessing organic phosphorus contributions for predicting soybean response to fertilization
SC Appelhans, RJ Melchiori, PA Barbagelata, LE Novelli
Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (6), 1688-1697, 2016
Assessing soil P fractions changes with long‐term phosphorus fertilization related to crop yield of soybean and maize
SC Appelhans, PA Barbagelata, RJM Melchiori, F Gutierrez Boem
Soil Use and Management 36 (3), 524-535, 2020
Stover Quality and Soil Organic Carbon in Long‐Term Nitrogen‐Fertilized Maize
RJM Melchiori, LE Novelli, VC Gregorutti, OP Caviglia
Agronomy Journal 106 (5), 1709-1716, 2014
Cultivos de cobertura invernales: una alternativa de intesificación sustentable en el centro-oeste de Entre Ríos
OP Caviglia, L Novelli, VC Gregorutti, NV Van Opstal, RJ Melchiori
Contribución de los Cultivos de Cobertura a la Sostenibilidad de los …, 2013
Phosphorus fertilization of soybeans in clay soils of Entre Ríos province
P Barbagelata, R Melchiori, O Paparotti
Better Crops International 16 (1), 3-5, 2002
Uso, adopción y limitaciones de la agricultura de precisión en Argentina
RJM Melchiori, SM Albarenque, AC Kemerer
Curso Int. Agric. Precisión 12 (2013), 07, 2013
Crop nitrogen status of early-and late-sown maize at different plant densities
NE Maltese, GA Maddonni, RJM Melchiori, JM Ferreyra, OP Caviglia
Field Crops Research 258, 107965, 2020
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Articles 1–20