Sheryl Walter
Sheryl Walter
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Cited by
A tale of two sample sources: Do results from online panel data and conventional data converge?
SL Walter, SE Seibert, D Goering, EH O’Boyle
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 425-452, 2019
Endogeneity: A review and agenda for the methodology-practice divide affecting micro and macro research
AD Hill, SG Johnson, LM Greco, EH O’Boyle, SL Walter
Journal of Management 47 (1), 105-143, 2021
Achieving more with less: Extra milers’ behavioral influences in teams.
N Li, HH Zhao, SL Walter, X Zhang, J Yu
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (4), 1025, 2015
Absence of malice: a meta-analysis of nonresponse bias in counterproductive work behavior research.
LM Greco, EH O'Boyle, SL Walter
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (1), 75, 2015
A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.
LM Greco, JP Porck, SL Walter, AJ Scrimpshire, AM Zabinski
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (5), 795, 2022
A 20-year review of outcome reporting bias in moderated multiple regression
E O’Boyle, GC Banks, K Carter, S Walter, Z Yuan
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 19-37, 2019
An examination of the convergence of online panel data and conventionally sourced data
S Walter, S Seibert, DD Goering, EH O'boyle
Academy of management proceedings 2016 (1), 11498, 2016
Relationship of immediate workspace and environmental workplace with organizational citizenship behaviors
KM Carter, DM Harman, SL Walter, TS Gruca
Journal of managerial psychology 36 (4), 310-326, 2021
What moderates moderators? A meta-analysis of interactions in management research
EH O'Boyle, GC Banks, S Walter, K Carter, K Weisenberger
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 14779, 2015
The race discipline gap: A cautionary note on archival measures of behavioral misconduct
SL Walter, E Gonzalez-Mulé, CL Guarana, EH O'Boyle Jr, CM Berry, ...
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 166, 166-178, 2021
Who develops? Understanding the role of leadership mindset in developmental opportunities
SL Walter
The University of Iowa, 2016
The need for cognition: a meta-analysis clarifying the link to intelligence and personality
L Greco, S Walter
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 13718, 2013
Instrumental Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB): Measurement and Evidence of Multiple Motives
S Smart, L Greco, S Walter
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 21308, 2020
Shared leadership in teams: An investigation of conflict and task performance
LM Greco, S Walter, EH Follmer
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 17213, 2014
What you see is how you act: perceived and actual centrality in motivation and performance
PE Downes, S Walter, E Crawford
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11048, 2015
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Articles 1–15