Christopher E. Lalonde
Christopher E. Lalonde
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Cultural continuity as a hedge against suicide in Canada's First Nations
MJ Chandler, C Lalonde
Transcultural psychiatry 35 (2), 191-219, 1998
Personal persistence, identity development, and suicide: A study of Native and non-Native North American adolescents
MJ Chandler, CE Lalonde, BW Sokol, D Hallett, JE Marcia
Monographs of the society for research in child development, i-138, 2003
Cross-language speech perception: Initial capabilities and developmental change.
JF Werker, CE Lalonde
Developmental psychology 24 (5), 672, 1988
Aboriginal language knowledge and youth suicide
D Hallett, MJ Chandler, CE Lalonde
Cognitive development 22 (3), 392-399, 2007
False belief understanding goes to school: On the social-emotional consequences of coming early or late to a first theory of mind
CE Lalonde, MJ Chandler
Cognition & Emotion 9 (2-3), 167-185, 1995
Cultural continuity as a protective factor against suicide in First Nations youth
MJ Chandler, CE Lalonde
Horizons 10 (1), 68-72, 2008
Children's understanding of interpretation
CE Lalonde, MJ Chandler
New Ideas in Psychology 20 (2-3), 163-198, 2002
Body image perceptions: Do gender differences exist
MA Brennan, CE Lalonde, JL Bain
Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research 15 (3), 130-138, 2010
Shifting to an interpretive theory of mind: 5-to 7-year-olds’ changing conceptions of mental life
M Chandler, C Lalonde
The five to seven year shift: The age of reason and responsibility, 111-139, 1996
Identity formation and cultural resilience in Aboriginal communities
CE Lalonde
Routledge international handbook of clinical suicide research, 364-377, 2013
Cognitive influences on cross-language speech perception in infancy
CE Lalonde, JF Werker
Infant Behavior and Development 18 (4), 459-475, 1995
Cognitive control in children: Stroop interference and suppression of word reading
DN Bub, MEJ Masson, CE Lalonde
Psychological Science 17 (4), 351-357, 2006
Prescription of methylphenidate to children and youth, 1990–1996
AR Miller, CE Lalonde, KM McGrail, RW Armstrong
Cmaj 165 (11), 1489-1494, 2001
Transferring whose knowledge? Exchanging whose best practices? On knowing about Indigenous knowledge and Aboriginal suicide
MJ Chandler, CE Lalonde
Social‐cognitive competence, peer rejection and neglect, and behavioral and emotional problems in middle childhood
WLG Hoglund, CE Lalonde, BJ Leadbeater
Social Development 17 (3), 528-553, 2008
Surprising, magical and miraculous turns of events: Children's reactions to violations of their early theories of mind and matter
MJ Chandler, CE Lalonde
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 12 (1), 83-95, 1994
Toward understanding commonalities in the development of object search, detour navigation, categorization, and speech perception.
A Diamond, JF Werker, C Lalonde
The Guilford Press, 1994
Video‐game training and naïve reasoning about object motion
MEJ Masson, DN Bub, CE Lalonde
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (1), 166-173, 2011
Children's persistence with methylphenidate therapy: a population-based study
AR Miller, CE Lalonde, KM McGrail
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 49 (11), 761-768, 2004
Clinical-developmental psychology: Constructivism and social cognition in the study of psychological dysfunctions.
GG Noam, M Chandler, C LaLonde
John Wiley & Sons, 1995
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Articles 1–20