Hamed Sari-Sarraf
Hamed Sari-Sarraf
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Vision system for on-loom fabric inspection
H Sari-Sarraf, JS Goddard
1998 IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference (Cat …, 1998
A new X-ray computed tomography system for laboratory mouse imaging
MJ Paulus, H Sari-Sarraf, SS Gleason, M Bobrek, JS Hicks, DK Johnson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 46 (3), 558-564, 1999
Simultaneous CT and SPECT tomography using CZT detectors
MJ Paulus, H Sari-Sarraf, ML Simpson, CL Britton Jr
US Patent 6,399,951, 2002
Automated defect spatial signature analysis for semiconductor manufacturing process
KW Tobin Jr, SS Gleason, TP Karnowski, H Sari-Sarraf
US Patent 5,982,920, 1999
Hierarchical segmentation of vertebrae from x-ray images
G Zamora, H Sari-Sarraf, LR Long
Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing 5032, 631-642, 2003
Recognition of cotton contaminants via X-ray microtomographic image analysis
A Pai, H Sari-Sarraf, EF Hequet
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 40 (1), 77-85, 2004
Context-based automated defect classification system using multiple morphological masks
SS Gleason, MA Hunt, H Sari-Sarraf
US Patent 6,456,899, 2002
Hierarchical segmentation of cervical and lumbar vertebrae using a customized generalized Hough transform and extensions to active appearance models
B Howe, A Gururajan, H Sari-Sarraf, LR Long
6th IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, 2004 …, 2004
Customized Hough transform for robust segmentation of cervical vertebrae from X-ray images
A Tezmol, H Sari-Sarraf, S Mitra, R Long, A Gururajan
Proceedings Fifth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and …, 2002
Reconstruction of multi-energy X-ray computed tomography images of laboratory mice
SS Gleason, H Sari-Sarraf, MJ Paulus, DK Johnson, SJ Norton, MA Abidi
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 46 (4), 1081-1086, 1999
A shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform
H Sari-Sarraf, D Brzakovic
IEEE transactions on signal processing 45 (10), 2621-2630, 1997
Robust defect segmentation in woven fabrics
H Sari-Sarraf, JS Goddard
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1998
Online optical measurement and monitoring of yarn density in woven fabrics
H Sari-Sarraf, JS Goddard Jr
Automated Optical Inspection for Industry 2899, 444-452, 1996
High-resolution x-ray CT screening of mutant mouse models
MJ Paulus, SS Gleason, H Sari-Sarraf, DK Johnson, CJ Foltz, DW Austin, ...
Optical Diagnostics of Living Cells III 3921, 270-279, 2000
Objective evaluation of durable press treatments and fabric smoothness ratings
N Abidi, E Hequet, C Turner, H Sari-Sarraf
Textile research journal 75 (1), 19-29, 2005
A new deformable model for analysis of X-ray CT images in preclinical studies of mice for polycystic kidney disease
SS Gleason, H Sari-Sarraf, MA Abidi, O Karakashian, F Morandi
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 21 (10), 1302-1309, 2002
Estimation of orientation and position of cervical vertebrae for segmentation with active shape models
G Zamora, H Sari-Sarraf, S Mitra, LR Long
Medical Imaging 2001: Image Processing 4322, 378-387, 2001
Double-edge detection of radiographic lumbar vertebrae images using pressurized open DGVF snakes
S Kamalakannan, A Gururajan, H Sari-Sarraf, R Long, S Antani
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 57 (6), 1325-1334, 2010
A generalized development environment for inspection of web materials
DP Brzakovic, PR Bakic, NS Vujovic, H Sari-Sarraf
Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1, 1-8, 1997
Machine vision system for characterizing horizontal wicking and drying using an infrared camera
M Dema, C Turner, H Sari-Sarraf, E Hequet
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (2), 493-502, 2016
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Articles 1–20