Joseph Clark
Joseph Clark
US Geological Survey
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A multivariate model of female black bear habitat use for a geographic information system
JD Clark, JE Dunn, KG Smith
The Journal of wildlife management, 519-526, 1993
Bear reintroductions: lessons and challenges
JD Clark, D Huber, C Servheen
Ursus, 335-345, 2002
Spatially explicit integrated population models
RB Chandler, JD Clark
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (12), 1351-1360, 2014
Estimating black bear population density and genetic diversity at Tensas River, Louisiana using microsatellite DNA markers
MR Boersen, JD Clark, TL King
Wildlife society bulletin, 197-207, 2003
Black bears in Arkansas: characteristics of a successful translocation
KG Smith, JD Clark
Journal of Mammalogy 75 (2), 309-320, 1994
Evaluation of 2 soft-release techniques to reintroduce black bears
R Eastridge, JD Clark
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1163-1174, 2001
Ecology of Florida black bears in the Okefenokee‐Osceola ecosystem
S Dobey, DV Masters, BK Scheick, JD Clark, MR Pelton, ME Sunquist
Wildlife Monographs 158 (1), 1-41, 2005
What do we know about different models of providing palliative care? Findings from a systematic review of reviews
L Brereton, J Clark, C Ingleton, C Gardiner, L Preston, T Ryan, E Goyder
Palliative medicine 31 (9), 781-797, 2017
Florida panther habitat use in response to prescribed fire
CS Dees, JD Clark, FT Van Manen
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 141-147, 2001
Identifying suitable sites for Florida panther reintroduction
CA Thatcher, FT Van Manen, JD Clark
The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (3), 752-763, 2006
A demographic comparison of two black bear populations in the interior highlands of Arkansas
JD Clark, KG Smith
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 593-603, 1994
Challenges of DNA‐based mark‐recapture studies of American black bears
KE Settlage, FT Van Manen, JD Clark, TL King
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (4), 1035-1042, 2008
Comparing clustered sampling designs for spatially explicit estimation of population density
JD Clark
Population Ecology 61 (1), 93-101, 2019
Black bear habitat use in relation to food availability in the interior highlands of Arkansas
JD Clark, DL Clapp, KG Smith, B Ederington
Bears: Their Biology and Management, 309-318, 1994
Factors affecting settling, survival, and viability of black bears reintroduced to Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas
BJ Wear, R Eastridge, JD Clark
Wildlife Society Bulletin 33 (4), 1363-1374, 2005
Ecology of two black bear (Ursus americanus) populations in the interior highlands of Arkansas
JD Clark
University of Arkansas, 1991
Spatially explicit population estimates for black bears based on cluster sampling
JM Humm, JW McCown, BK Scheick, JD Clark
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (7), 1187-1201, 2017
Bait stations, hard mast, and black bear population growth in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
JD Clark, FT Van Manen, MR Pelton
The Journal of wildlife management 69 (4), 1633-1640, 2005
Habitat manipulation influences northern bobwhite resource selection on a reclaimed surface mine
JM Brooke, DC Peters, AM Unger, EP Tanner, CA Harper, PD Keyser, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (8), 1264-1276, 2015
Impact of experimental habitat manipulation on northern bobwhite survival
DC Peters, JM Brooke, EP Tanner, AM Unger, PD Keyser, CA Harper, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (4), 605-617, 2015
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Articles 1–20