Herawati Susilo
Herawati Susilo
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Fisiologi tanaman budidaya
FP Gardner, RB Pearce, RL Mitchell
Universitas Indonesia, 1991
Penelitian tindakan kelas
H Susilo, H Chotimah, YD Sari
Media Nusa Creative (MNC Publishing), 2022
Pengaruh project based learning terhadap motivasi belajar, kreativitas, kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan kemampuan kognitif siswa pada pembelajaran biologi
D Insyasiska, S Zubaidah, H Susilo
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Negeri Malang 7 (1), 118842, 2017
Improving critical thinking skills through the integration of problem based learning and group investigation
M Asyari, MHI Al Muhdhar, H Susilo, Ibrohim.
International journal for lesson and learning studies 5 (1), 36-44, 2016
Lesson Study Berbasis Sekolah:(Guru Konservatif Menuju Guru Inovatif)
H Susilo
Media Nusa Creative (MNC Publishing), 2022
H., & Zubaidah, S.(2017). Creative thinking of low academic student undergoing search solve create and share learning integrated with metacognitive strategy
C Yusnaeni, S AD
International Journal of Instruction 10 (2), 245-262, 2017
Mengembangkan literasi informasi melalui belajar berbasis kehidupan terintegrasi stem untuk menyiapkan calon guru sains dalam menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0: revieu literatur
H Subekt, M Taufiq, H Susilo, I Ibrohim, H Suwono
Education and Human Development Journal 3 (1), 2018
Closing the Science Process Skills Gap between Students with High and Low Level Academic Achievement.
BA Prayitno, D Corebima, H Susilo, S Zubaidah, M Ramli
Journal of Baltic Science Education 16 (2), 266-277, 2017
Enhancing different ethnicity science process skills: Problem-based learning through practicum and authentic assessment
JD Hilarius, S Herawati
International Journal of Instruction, 2019
Enhancement of students’ biological literacy and critical thinking of biology through socio-biological case-based learning
H Suwono, HE Pratiwi, H Susanto, H Susilo
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 6 (2), 213-220, 2017
Penggunaan multimedia interaktif bermuatan game edukasi untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa sekolah dasar
R Wulandari, H Susilo, D Kuswandi
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 2 (8), 210643, 2017
PBLPOE: A Learning Model to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Scientific Attitudes.
A Fitriani, S Zubaidah, H Susilo, MHI Al Muhdhar
International Journal of Instruction 13 (2), 89-106, 2020
Mind mapping in learning models: A tool to improve student metacognitive skills
D Astriani, H Susilo, H Suwono, B Lukiati, A Purnomo
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (6), 4-17, 2020
Improving critical thinking skills of college students through RMS model for learning basic concepts in science.
A Muhlisin, H Susilo, M Amin, F Rohman
Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning & Teaching 17 (1), 2016
The effects of integrated problem-based learning, predict, observe, explain on problem-solving skills and self-efficacy
A Fıtrıanı, S Zubaıdah, H Susılo, MHİ Al Muhdhar
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20 (85), 45-64, 2020
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas VII SMP
YEK Herawati Susilo
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran 22 (LP3 UM), 197 - 208, 2015
Lesson Study sebagai sarana meningkatkan kompetensi Pendidik
H Susilo
Makalah) disajikan dalam Seminar dan Lokakarya PLEASE, 28-34, 2013
Argument-driven inquiry with scaffolding as the development strategies of argumentation and critical thinking skills of students in Lampung, Indonesia
N Hasnunidah, H Susilo, M Henie Irawati, H Sutomo
Graduate School Foundation Inc. University of Science and Technology of …, 2015
Empowering Students' Metacognitive Skills through New Teaching Strategy (Group Investigation Integrated with Think Talk Write) in Biology Classroom.
L Listiana, H Susilo, H Suwono, E Suarsini
Journal of Baltic Science Education 15 (3), 391-400, 2016
Analisis kemampuan awal literasi sains siswa SMA Kota Malang
L Rizkita, H Suwono, H Susilo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional II 2, 771-781, 2016
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Articles 1–20