Özgür Başkan
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Cited by
Transport energy modeling with meta-heuristic harmony search algorithm, an application to Turkey
H Ceylan, H Ceylan, S Haldenbilen, O Baskan
Energy policy 36 (7), 2527-2535, 2008
A new solution algorithm for improving performance of ant colony optimization
O Baskan, S Haldenbilen, H Ceylan, H Ceylan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 211 (1), 75-84, 2009
A modified reinforcement learning algorithm for solving coordinated signalized networks
C Ozan, O Baskan, S Haldenbilen, H Ceylan
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 54, 40-55, 2015
Determining optimal link capacity expansions in road networks using cuckoo search algorithm with lévy flights
O Baskan
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (1), 718015, 2013
Modeling vehicle delays at signalized junctions: Artificial neural networks approach
YS Murat, O Baskan
CSIR, 2006
A harmony search algorithm approach for optimizing traffic signal timings
M Dell'Orco, O Baskan, M Marinelli
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 25 (4), 349-358, 2013
Harmony search algorithm for continuous network design problem with link capacity expansions
O Baskan
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 18, 273-283, 2014
Using potential accessibility measure for urban public transportation planning: A case study of Denizli, Turkey
G Gulhan, H Ceylan, O Baskan, H Ceylan
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 26 (2), 129-137, 2014
Artificial bee colony-based algorithm for optimising traffic signal timings
M Dell’Orco, Ö Başkan, M Marinelli
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications: Proceedings of the 17th Online …, 2014
Ant colony optimization approach for optimizing traffic signal timings
O Baskan, S Haldenbilen
Ant colony optimization-methods and applications, 205-220, 2011
Differential evolution algorithm based solution approaches for solving transportation network design problems
Ö Başkan, H Ceylan
Estimating transport energy demand using ant colony optimization
O Baskan, S Haldenbilen, H Ceylan, H Ceylan
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 7 (2), 188-199, 2012
Modified differential evolution algorithm for the continuous network design problem
O Baskan, H Ceylan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 48-57, 2014
An ant colony optimization algorithm for area traffic control
S Haldenbilen, O Baskan, C Ozan
Ant colony optimization–techniques and applications, 87-105, 2013
Yurtiçi hava taşımacılığı talebinin modellenmesi ve senaryolar altında değerlendirilmesi
C Ozan, Ö Başkan, S Haldenbilen, H Ceylan
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 20 (9), 319-323, 2014
An evaluation of heuristic methods for determining optimal link capacity expansions on road network
O Baskan
International Journal of Transportation, 2014
Modeling and forecasting car ownership based on socio-economic and demographic indicators in Turkey
H Ceylan, O Baskan, C Ozan
TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 47-66, 2018
İzole sinyalize kavşaklardaki ortalama taşıt gecikmelerinin yapay sinir ağları ile modellenmesi
Ö Başkan
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004
A multiobjective bilevel programming model for environmentally friendly traffic signal timings
O Baskan
Advances in Civil Engineering 2019 (1), 1638618, 2019
Kentiçi ışıklı ve dönel kavşak uygulamalarının performans kriterlerine etkisi: Denizli örneği
D Erol
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018
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Articles 1–20