Stephen Crutchfield
Stephen Crutchfield
USDA Economic Research Service
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Measuring consumer benefits of food safety risk reductions
JC Buzby, JA Fox, RC Ready, SR Crutchfleld
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 30 (1), 69-82, 1998
Point/nonpoint source trading of pollution abatement: choosing the right trading ratio
AS Malik, D Letson, SR Crutchfield
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75 (4), 959-967, 1993
Economic assessment of food safety regulations: The new approach to meat and poultry inspection
SR Crutchfield, JC Buzby, T Roberts, M Ollinger, CTJ Lin
Food safety efforts accelerate in the 1990's
SR Crutchfield, T Roberts
Food Review/National Food Review 23 (3), 44-49, 2000
Modeling the costs of food safety regulation
JM MacDonald, S Crutchfield
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78 (5), 1285-1290, 1996
Obesity policy and the law of unintended consequences
F Kuchler, EH Golan, JN Variyam, SR Crutchfield
Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural …, 2005
Benefits of safer drinking water: the value of nitrate reduction
SR Crutchfield
US Department of Agriculture, ERS, 1997
Agriculture and water quality trading: Exploring the possibilities
MO Ribaudo, CJ Nickerson
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 64 (1), 1-7, 2009
Feasibility of point‐nonpoint source trading for managing agricultural pollutant loadings to coastal waters
SR Crutchfield, D Letson, AS Malik
Water Resources Research 30 (10), 2825-2836, 1994
The economic benefits of nutrition labeling: A case study for fresh meat and poultry products
S Crutchfield, F Kuchler, JN Variyam
Journal of Consumer Policy 24, 185-207, 2001
Agricultural and water-quality conflicts: economic dimensions of the problem
MF Petrulis, M Anderson, NJ Powers, SR Crutchfield
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1993
The benefits of protecting rural water quality: An empirical analysis
SR Crutchfield
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1995
Assessing the costs and benefits of pathogen reduction
SR Crutchfield, JC Buzby, T Roberts, M Ollinger
Food Review/National Food Review 22 (2), 6-9, 1999
Estimation of foreign willingness to pay United States fishery resources: Japanese demand for Alaska pollock
SR Crutchfield
Land Economics 59 (1), 16-23, 1983
US drought 2012: farm and food impacts
S Crutchfield
USDA. gov, 2013
An econometric model of the market for New England groundfish
SR Crutchfield
Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 14 (2), 128-143, 1985
The economics of food safety and international trade in food products
S Crutchfield, J Buzby, P Frenzen, J Allshouse, D Roberts
Point/nonpoint source trading for controlling pollutant loadings to coastal waters: a feasibility study
D Letson, S Crutchfield, A Malik
Theory, Modeling and Experience in the Management of Nonpoint-source …, 1993
Point-Nonpoint Source Trading for Managing Agricultural Pollutant Loadings: Prospects for Coastal Watersheds
D Letson
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1993
New federal policies and programs for food safety
SR Crutchfield
Food Review/National Food Review 22 (2), 2-5, 1999
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Articles 1–20