Carolina Megumi Mizuno
Carolina Megumi Mizuno
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Cited by
New abundant microbial groups in aquatic hypersaline environments
R Ghai, L Pašić, AB Fernández, AB Martin-Cuadrado, CM Mizuno, ...
Scientific reports 1, 2011
Expanding the Marine Virosphere Using Metagenomics
CM Mizuno, F Rodriguez-Valera, NE Kimes, R Ghai
PLoS Genetics 9 (12), e1003987, 2013
Metagenomics uncovers a new group of low GC and ultra-small marine Actinobacteria
R Ghai, CM Mizuno, A Picazo, A Camacho, F Rodriguez-Valera
Scientific reports 3, 2013
Key roles for freshwater Actinobacteria revealed by deep metagenomic sequencing
R Ghai, CM Mizuno, A Picazo, A Camacho, F Rodriguez‐Valera
Molecular ecology 23 (24), 6073-6090, 2014
Metagenomes of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons
R Ghai, CM Hernandez, A Picazo, CM Mizuno, K Ininbergs, B Díez, ...
Scientific Reports 2, 2012
Genomes of Planktonic Acidimicrobiales: Widening Horizons for Marine Actinobacteria by Metagenomics
CM Mizuno, F Rodriguez-Valera, R Ghai
mBio 6 (1), e02083-14, 2015
Genomes of Abundant and Widespread Viruses from the Deep Ocean
CM Mizuno, R Ghai, A Saghaï, P López-García, F Rodriguez-Valera
mBio 7 (4), e00805-16, 2016
Evaluating methods for the isolation of marine-derived fungal strains and production of bioactive secondary metabolites
MH Kossuga, S Romminger, C Xavier, MC Milanetto, MZ Valle, ...
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 22 (2), 257-267, 2012
The chemistry and biology of organic guanidine derivatives
RGS Berlinck, ACB Burtoloso, AE Trindade-Silva, S Romminger, ...
Natural product reports 27 (12), 1871-1907, 2010
Polyclonality of concurrent natural populations of Alteromonas macleodii
A Gonzaga, AB Martin-Cuadrado, M López-Pérez, CM Mizuno, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 4 (12), 1360-1374, 2012
Evidence for Metaviromic Islands in Marine phages
CM Mizuno, R Ghai, F Rodriguez-valera
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 27, 2014
Condensation of Macrocyclic Polyketides Produced by Penicillium sp. DRF2 with Mercaptopyruvate Represents a New Fungal Detoxification Pathway
MV de Castro, LP Ióca, DE Williams, BZ Costa, CM Mizuno, MFC Santos, ...
Journal of natural products, 2016
Metagenomic recovery of phage genomes of uncultured freshwater actinobacteria
R Ghai, M Mehrshad, CM Mizuno, F Rodriguez-Valera
The ISME Journal, 2016
A Hybrid NRPS-PKS Gene Cluster Related to the Bleomycin Family of Antitumor Antibiotics in Alteromonas macleodii Strains
CM Mizuno, NE Kimes, M López-Pérez, E Ausó, F Rodriguez-Valera, ...
PLOS ONE 8 (9), e76021, 2013
Reconstruction of Novel Cyanobacterial Siphovirus Genomes from Mediterranean Metagenomic Fosmids
CM Mizuno, F Rodriguez-Valera, I Garcia-Heredia, AB Martin-Cuadrado, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (2), 688-695, 2013
Biotransformation of Phenylacetonitrile to 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid by Marine Fungi
JR de Oliveira, CM Mizuno, MHR Seleghim, DCD Javaroti, MOO Rezende, ...
Marine Biotechnology 15 (1), 97-103, 2013
Tales from a thousand and one phages
F Rodriguez-Valera, CM Mizuno, R Ghai
Bacteriophage 4 (1), e28265, 2014
Replicating phages in the epidermal mucosa of the eel (Anguilla anguilla)
M Carda-Diéguez, CM Mizuno, R Ghai, F Rodriguez-Valera, C Amaro
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 2015
3 Marine Microbial Diversity
R Costa, NE Kimes, UN da Rocha, M López-Pérez, AI dos Santos Esteves, ...
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Articles 1–19