Patrick G. Dempsey
Patrick G. Dempsey
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
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A survey of tools and methods used by certified professional ergonomists
PG Dempsey, RW McGorry, WS Maynard
Applied ergonomics 36 (4), 489-503, 2005
A critical review of biomechanical, epidemiological, physiological and psychophysical criteria for designing manual materials handling tasks
PG Dempsey
Ergonomics 41 (1), 73-88, 1998
Ergonomics assessment methods used by ergonomics professionals
BD Lowe, PG Dempsey, EM Jones
Applied ergonomics 81, 102882, 2019
The influence of personal variables on work-related low-back disorders and implications for future research
PG Dempsey, A Burdorf, BS Webster
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 39 (8), 748-759, 1997
Usability of the revised NIOSH lifting equation
PG Dempsey
Ergonomics 45 (12), 817-828, 2002
Analysis of workers' compensation claims associated with manual materials handling
PG Dempsey, L Hashemi
Ergonomics 42 (1), 183-195, 1999
Cutting moments and grip forces in meat cutting operations and the effect of knife sharpness
RW McGorry, PC Dowd, PG Dempsey
Applied ergonomics 34 (4), 375-382, 2003
Risk factors for the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among Chinese foundry workers
L Lei, PG Dempsey, J Xu, L Ge, Y Liang
International journal of industrial ergonomics 35 (3), 197-204, 2005
The psychophysical approach to manual materials handling task design
MM Ayoub, PG Dempsey
Ergonomics 42 (1), 17-31, 1999
The influence of gender, grasp type, pinch width and wrist position on sustained pinch strength
PG Dempsey, MM Ayoub
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 17 (3), 259-273, 1996
Practical aspects of functional capacity evaluations
GS Pransky, PG Dempsey
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 14, 217-229, 2004
On the evolution of task-based analysis of manual materials handling, and its applicability in contemporary ergonomics
PG Dempsey, SE Mathiassen
Applied Ergonomics 37 (1), 33-43, 2006
What's in a name? Using terms from definitions to examine the fundamental foundation of human factors and ergonomics science
PG Dempsey, MS Wogalter, PA Hancock
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 1 (1), 3-10, 2000
Isometric muscle strength and anthropometric characteristics of a Chinese sample
G Xiao, L Lei, PG Dempsey, B Lu, Y Liang
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (7), 674-679, 2005
A survey of lifting and lowering tasks
PG Dempsey
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 31 (1), 11-16, 2003
The effect of blade finish and blade edge angle on forces used in meat cutting operations
RW McGorry, PC Dowd, PG Dempsey
Applied ergonomics 36 (1), 71-77, 2005
Methodological variance associated with normalization of occupational upper trapezius EMG using sub-maximal reference contractions
JA Jackson, SE Mathiassen, PG Dempsey
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 19 (3), 416-427, 2009
Task-based estimation of mechanical job exposure in occupational groups
SE Mathiassen, C Nordander, SW Svendsen, HM Wellman, PG Dempsey
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 138-151, 2005
Effectiveness of ergonomics interventions to prevent musculoskeletal disorders: Beware of what you ask
PG Dempsey
International journal of industrial ergonomics 37 (2), 169-173, 2007
The effects of work height, workpiece orientation, gender, and screwdriver type on productivity and wrist deviation
PG Dempsey, RW McGorry, NV O’Brien
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 33 (4), 339-346, 2004
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