Articles with public access mandates - martin kenneyLearn more
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Platform-dependent entrepreneurs: Power asymmetries, risks, and strategies in the platform economy
D Cutolo, M Kenney
Academy of management perspectives 35 (4), 584-605, 2021
Mandates: Business Finland
Digital technologies, innovation, and skills: Emerging trajectories and challenges
T Ciarli, M Kenney, S Massini, L Piscitello
Research Policy 50 (7), 104289, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Platforms and industrial change
M Kenney, P Rouvinen, T Seppälä, J Zysman
Industry and Innovation 26 (8), 871-879, 2019
Mandates: Business Finland
University technology transfer in China: a literature review and taxonomy
A Chen, D Patton, M Kenney
The Journal of technology transfer 41, 891-929, 2016
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Academic misconduct, misrepresentation and gaming: A reassessment
M Biagioli, M Kenney, BR Martin, JP Walsh
Research Policy 48 (2), 401-413, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Android and the demise of operating system-based power: Firm strategy and platform control in the post-PC world
B Pon, T Seppälä, M Kenney
Telecommunications Policy 38 (11), 979-991, 2014
Mandates: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
One ring to unite them all: convergence, the smartphone, and the cloud
B Pon, T Seppälä, M Kenney
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 15, 21-33, 2015
Mandates: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Entrepreneurial ecosystems and industry knowledge: does the winning region take all?
Y Li, M Kenney, D Patton, A Song
Small Business Economics 61 (1), 153-172, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Explaining the growth and globalization of Silicon Valley: the past and today
M Kenney
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) Working Paper 1, 2017
Mandates: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Standards and innovation: A review and introduction to the special issue
K Blind, M Kenney, A Leiponen, T Simcoe
Research Policy 52 (8), 104830, 2023
Mandates: Business Finland
Sub-national technology policy and commerce: Evaluating the impacts of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
M Kenney, D Patton
The Journal of Technology Transfer 43, 47-68, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Global Supply Chains, Value Added and Production Intensity: Case Semiconductors
H Holmström, M Kenney, T Seppala
Value Added and Production Intensity: Case Semiconductors (May 11, 2021), 2021
Mandates: Business Finland
COVID-19’s Impact Upon Labor and Value Chains in the Agrifood Industry
M Kenney, MA Visser, M Padilla
Mandates: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
COVID-19's Impact Upon Labor and Value Chains in the Agrifood Industry: A case study
M Kenney, MA Visser, M Padilla
DEU 23, 33, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
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