Articles with public access mandates - Loet LeydesdorffLearn more
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Innovation systems in México: A matter of missing synergies
I Porto-Gomez, JM Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, L Leydesdorff
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 148, 119721, 2019
Mandates: Government of Spain
Synergy and policy-making in German innovation systems: Smart Specialisation Strategies at national, regional, local levels?
H Ruhrmann, M Fritsch, L Leydesdorff
Regional Studies 56 (9), 1468-1479, 2022
Mandates: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Heterogeneity in an undirected network: Definition and measurement
X Hu, L Leydesdorff, R Rousseau
Journal of Informetrics 11 (2), 669-682, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
h-based I3-type multivariate vectors: multidimensional indicators of publication and citation scores
FY Ye, L Bornmann, L Leydesdorff
COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 11 (1), 153-171, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Interactive overlay maps for US patent (USPTO) data based on International Patent Classification (IPC)
L Leydesdorff, D Kushnir, I Rafols
Scientometrics 98, 1583-1599, 2014
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Interactive overlays of journals and the measurement of interdisciplinarity on the basis of aggregated journal–journal citations
L Leydesdorff, I Rafols, C Chen
Journal of the American society for Information science and Technology 64 …, 2013
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
A routine for measuring synergy in university–industry–government relations: mutual information as a Triple-Helix and Quadruple-Helix indicator
L Leydesdorff, HW Park, B Lengyel
Scientometrics 99, 27-35, 2014
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
A triple helix model of medical innovation: Supply, demand, and technological capabilities in terms of Medical Subject Headings
AM Petersen, D Rotolo, L Leydesdorff
Research policy 45 (3), 666-681, 2016
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council, European Commission, Government of …
Bibliometric perspectives on medical innovation using the medical subject Headings of P ub M ed
L Leydesdorff, D Rotolo, I Rafols
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 …, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Strategic intelligence on emerging technologies: Scientometric overlay mapping
D Rotolo, I Rafols, MM Hopkins, L Leydesdorff
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68 (1 …, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, UK Economic and Social Research Council
University-industry collaboration in China and the USA: A bibliometric comparison
P Zhou, R Tijssen, L Leydesdorff
PloS one 11 (11), e0165277, 2016
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mapping patent classifications: portfolio and statistical analysis, and the comparison of strengths and weaknesses
L Leydesdorff, DF Kogler, B Yan
Scientometrics 112, 1573-1591, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
Innovation as a nonlinear process, the scientometric perspective, and the specification of an ‘innovation opportunities explorer’
L Leydesdorff, D Rotolo, W de Nooy
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 25 (6), 641-653, 2013
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Cited references and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as two different knowledge representations: clustering and mappings at the paper level
L Leydesdorff, JA Comins, AA Sorensen, L Bornmann, I Hellsten
Scientometrics 109 (3), 2077-2091, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Self-organization of meaning and the reflexive communication of information
L Leydesdorff, AM Petersen, I Ivanova
Social Science Information 56 (1), 4-27, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
Patent portfolio analysis of cities: Statistics and maps of technological inventiveness
DF Kogler, G Heimeriks, L Leydesdorff
European Planning Studies 26 (11), 2256-2278, 2018
Mandates: European Commission
The effects of FDI on innovation systems in Hungarian regions: Where is the synergy generated?
B Lengyel, L Leydesdorff
Regional Statistics 5 (1), 3-24, 2015
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
The construction of interdisciplinarity: The development of the knowledge base and programmatic focus of the journal ClimaticChange, 1977–2013
I Hellsten, L Leydesdorff
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (9 …, 2016
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Matching Medline/PubMed data with Web of Science: A routine in R language
D Rotolo, L Leydesdorff
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (10 …, 2015
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Challenges for regional innovation policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Spatial concentration and foreign control of US patenting
B Lengyel, T Sebestyén, L Leydesdorff
Science and Public Policy 42 (1), 1-14, 2015
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
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