Aaron Gutiérrez
Aaron Gutiérrez
Professor Agregat, Departament de Geografia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
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COVID-19 lockdown and reduction of traffic accidents in Tarragona province, Spain
Ò Saladié, E Bustamante, A Gutiérrez
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 8, 100218, 2020
COVID-19 and urban public transport services: emerging challenges and research agenda
A Gutiérrez, D Miravet, A Domènech
Cities & Health 5 (sup1), S177-S180, 2021
The determinants of tourist use of public transport at the destination
A Gutiérrez, D Miravet
Sustainability 8 (9), 908, 2016
The urban vitality conditions of Jane Jacobs in Barcelona: Residential and smartphone-based tracking measurements of the built environment in a Mediterranean metropolis
X Delclòs-Alió, A Gutiérrez, C Miralles-Guasch
Cities 86, 220-228, 2019
Ciudad y ferrocarril en la España del siglo XXI. La integración de alta velocidad ferroviaria en el medio urbano
C Bellet, A Gutiérrez Palomero
Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2011, núm. 55, p. 251-279, 2011
The uneven distribution of evictions as new evidence of urban inequality: A spatial analysis approach in two Catalan cities
A Gutiérrez, X Delclòs
Cities 56, 101-108, 2016
Understanding the spatiality of short-term rentals in Spain: Airbnb and the intensification of the commodification of housing
A Gutiérrez, A Domènech
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 120 (2), 98-113, 2020
Profiling tourists' use of public transport through smart travel card data
A Gutiérrez, A Domènech, B Zaragozí, D Miravet
Journal of Transport Geography 88, 102820, 2020
Geografía de la crisis inmobiliaria en Cataluña: una lectura a partir de los desahucios por ejecución hipotecaria
A Gutiérrez, X Delclòs
Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales 21, 2017
Cruise passengers’ spatial behaviour and expenditure levels at destination
A Domènech, A Gutiérrez, S Anton Clavé
Tourism Planning & Development 17 (1), 17-36, 2020
The mortgage crisis and evictions in Barcelona: identifying the determinants of the spatial clustering of foreclosures
A Gutiérrez, A Domènech
European Planning Studies 26 (10), 1939-1960, 2018
A GIS-based evaluation of the effectiveness and spatial coverage of public transport networks in tourist destinations
A Domènech, A Gutiérrez
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (3), 83, 2017
The High- speed rail in spanish cities: Urban integration and local strategies for socio-economic development
C Bellet, P Alonso, A Gutierrez
Territorial Implications of High Speed Rail. A Spanish Perspective, 163-196, 2012
The Spanish mortgage crisis: Evidence of the concentration of foreclosures in the most deprived neighbourhoods
A Gutiérrez, A Domènech
Die Erde 148 (1), 39-57, 2017
Acumulación de viviendas por parte de los bancos a través de los desahucios: geografía de la desposesión de vivienda en Cataluña
A Gutiérrez, S Vives-Miró
EURE (Santiago) 44 (132), 5-26, 2018
¿Hipertrofia inmobiliaria? Análisis de las pautas territoriales del boom e implicaciones del estallido de la burbuja en Cataluña
A Gutiérrez, X Delclòs
Cuadernos geográficos de la Universidad de Granada 54 (1), 283-306, 2015
El mètode Urban i la seva difusió com a principal valor afegit de la iniciativa comunitària
A Gutiérrez
Ciutats en (re) construcció: necessitats socials, transformació i millora de …, 2008
COVID-19 and tourist mobility at destinations: a literature review and emerging research agenda
A Viana-Lora, A Domènech, A Gutiérrez
Journal of Tourism Futures 9 (1), 21-34, 2023
Built environment and urban cruise tourists' mobility
A Domenech, A Gutierrez, SA Clavé
Annals of Tourism Research 81, 102889, 2020
Transport mode choice by tourists transferring from a peripheral high-speed rail station to their destinations: Empirical evidence from Costa Daurada
A Gutiérrez, D Miravet, Ò Saladié, S Anton Clave
Sustainability 11 (11), 3200, 2019
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Articles 1–20