Simon B Laughlin
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Cited by
An energy budget for signaling in the grey matter of the brain
D Attwell, SB Laughlin
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 21 (10), 1133-1145, 2001
Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retina
MV Srinivasan, SB Laughlin, A Dubs
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences …, 1982
The metabolic cost of neural information
SB Laughlin, RR de Ruyter van Steveninck, JC Anderson
Nature neuroscience 1 (1), 36-41, 1998
A simple coding procedure enhances a neuron's information capacity
S Laughlin
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung c 36 (9-10), 910-912, 1981
Energy limitation as a selective pressure on the evolution of sensory systems
JE Niven, SB Laughlin
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (11), 1792-1804, 2008
Communication in neuronal networks
SB Laughlin, TJ Sejnowski
Science 301 (5641), 1870-1874, 2003
Principles of Neural Design
P Sterling, S Laughlin
MIT Press, 2015
Energy as a constraint on the coding and processing of sensory information
SB Laughlin
Current opinion in neurobiology 11 (4), 475-480, 2001
ATP consumption by mammalian rod photoreceptors in darkness and in light
H Okawa, AP Sampath, SB Laughlin, GL Fain
Current Biology 18 (24), 1917-1921, 2008
Common strategies for light adaptation in the peripheral visual systems of fly and dragonfly
SB Laughlin, RC Hardie
Journal of comparative physiology 128, 319-340, 1978
Neural principles in the visual system
SB Laughlin
Hand-book of Sensory Physiology VII/6B, 133-280, 1981
Colour thresholds and receptor noise: behaviour and physiology compared
M Vorobyev, R Brandt, D Peitsch, SB Laughlin, R Menzel
Vision research 41 (5), 639-653, 2001
Phototransduction and the evolution of photoreceptors
GL Fain, R Hardie, SB Laughlin
Current Biology 20 (3), R114-R124, 2010
The role of sensory adaptation in the retina
SB Laughlin
Journal of Experimental Biology 146 (1), 39-62, 1989
Action potential energy efficiency varies among neuron types in vertebrates and invertebrates
B Sengupta, M Stemmler, SB Laughlin, JE Niven
PLoS computational biology 6 (7), e1000840, 2010
Fly photoreceptors demonstrate energy-information trade-offs in neural coding
JE Niven, JC Anderson, SB Laughlin
PLoS biology 5 (4), e116, 2007
Ion-channel noise places limits on the miniaturization of the brain’s wiring
AA Faisal, JA White, SB Laughlin
Current Biology 15 (12), 1143-1149, 2005
Fast and slow photoreceptors—a comparative study of the functional diversity of coding and conductances in the Diptera
SB Laughlin, M Weckström
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 172, 593-609, 1993
Adaptation of the motion-sensitive neuron H1 is generated locally and governed by contrast frequency
T Maddess, SB Laughlin
Proceedings of the Royal society of London. Series B. Biological sciences …, 1985
Structure and function of the fused rhabdom
AW Snyder, R Menzel, SB Laughlin
Journal of comparative physiology 87, 99-135, 1973
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Articles 1–20