Articles with public access mandates - Valerie A. RameyLearn more
Available somewhere: 6
News shocks in open economies: Evidence from giant oil discoveries
R Arezki, VA Ramey, L Sheng
The quarterly journal of economics 132 (1), 103-155, 2017
Mandates: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
The cyclical behavior of the priceā€cost markup
CJ Nekarda, VA Ramey
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52 (S2), 319-353, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Secular stagnation or technological lull?
VA Ramey
Journal of Policy Modeling 42 (4), 767-777, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Do government spending multipliers depend on the sign of the shock?
N Ben Zeev, VA Ramey, S Zubairy
AEA Papers and Proceedings 113, 382-387, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Fall 2021
D Popp, F Vona, G Marin, Z Chen, G Chodorow-Reich, VA Ramey, ...
Brookings papers on economic activity, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Online Appendix for Do Government Spending Multipliers Depend on the Sign of the Shock?
NB Zeev, VA Ramey, S Zubairy
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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