Articles with public access mandates - Curtis HaugtvedtLearn more
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Implications of understanding basic attitude change processes and attitude structure for enhancing pro-environmental behaviors
SM Smith, CP Haugtvedt
Environmental marketing, 155-176, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Neuroeconomics: Foundational Issues and Consumer Relevance: Giovanna Egidi, Howard C. Nusbaum, and John T. Cacioppo
CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Kardes
Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 1161-1198, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
The Role of Knowledge Accessibility in Cognition and Behavior: Implications for Consumer Information Processing: Robert S. Wyer, Jr.
CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Kardes
Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 45-90, 2018
Mandates: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Consumers and the Allure of “Safer” Tobacco Products: Scientific and Policy Issues: Eugene Borgida, Anita Kim, Emily N. Stark, and Christopher Miller
CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Kardes
Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 905-922, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Categorization Theory and Research in Consumer Psychology: Category Representation and Category-Based Inference: Barbara Loken, Lawrence W. Barsalou, and Christopher Joiner
CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Kardes
Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 146-176, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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