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The P300 component wave reveals differences in subclinical anxious-depressive states during bimodal oddball tasks: an effect of stimulus congruence
D Delle-Vigne, C Kornreich, P Verbanck, S Campanella
Clinical neurophysiology 126 (11), 2108-2123, 2015
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
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Impaired decision‐making under risk in individuals with alcohol dependence
D Brevers, A Bechara, A Cleeremans, C Kornreich, P Verbanck, X Noël
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 38 (7), 1924-1931, 2014
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health, National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Binge drinking in adolescents: a review of neurophysiological and neuroimaging research
G Petit, P Maurage, C Kornreich, P Verbanck, S Campanella
Alcohol and alcoholism 49 (2), 198-206, 2014
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
On the predictive validity of automatically activated approach/avoidance tendencies in abstaining alcohol-dependent patients
A Spruyt, J De Houwer, H Tibboel, B Verschuere, G Crombez, P Verbanck, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 127 (1-3), 81-86, 2013
Órdenes: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Time course of attentional bias for gambling information in problem gambling.
D Brevers, A Cleeremans, A Bechara, C Laloyaux, C Kornreich, ...
Psychology of addictive behaviors 25 (4), 675, 2011
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health
Emotional facial expression processing in depression: data from behavioral and event-related potential studies
D Delle-Vigne, W Wang, C Kornreich, P Verbanck, S Campanella
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 44 (2), 169-187, 2014
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Alcoholism and the loss of willpower: A neurocognitive perspective.
X Noël, A Bechara, D Brevers, P Verbanck, S Campanella
Journal of psychophysiology 24 (4), 240, 2010
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health
Neurophysiological correlates of response inhibition predict relapse in detoxified alcoholic patients: some preliminary evidence from event-related potentials
G Petit, A Cimochowska, C Kornreich, C Hanak, P Verbanck, ...
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 1025-1037, 2014
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Impaired metacognitive capacities in individuals with problem gambling
D Brevers, A Cleeremans, A Bechara, M Greisen, C Kornreich, ...
Journal of gambling studies 30, 141-152, 2014
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Reduced processing of alcohol cues predicts abstinence in recently detoxified alcoholic patients in a three-month follow up period: an ERP study
G Petit, A Cimochowska, C Cevallos, G Cheron, C Kornreich, C Hanak, ...
Behavioural Brain Research 282, 84-94, 2015
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: a negative impact on social interactions and risky behaviors?
C Kornreich, D Delle‐Vigne, J Knittel, A Nerincx, S Campanella, X Noel, ...
Addiction 106 (5), 951-959, 2011
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health
Examination of the validity and reliability of the French version of the Brief Self-Control Scale.
D Brevers, J Foucart, P Verbanck, O Turel
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2017
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health, National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Electrophysiological correlates of alcohol-and non-alcohol-related stimuli processing in binge drinkers: A follow-up study
G Petit, C Kornreich, B Dan, P Verbanck, S Campanella
Journal of psychopharmacology 28 (11), 1041-1052, 2014
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Comfort for uncertainty in pathological gamblers: A fMRI study
D Brevers, A Bechara, L Hermoye, L Divano, C Kornreich, P Verbanck, ...
Behavioural brain research 278, 262-270, 2015
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health, National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Competing motivations: Proactive response inhibition toward addiction-related stimuli in quitting-motivated individuals
D Brevers, A Bechara, CD Kilts, V Antoniali, A Bruylant, P Verbanck, ...
Journal of gambling studies 34, 785-806, 2018
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Effect of casino-related sound, red light and pairs on decision-making during the Iowa gambling task
D Brevers, X Noël, A Bechara, N Vanavermaete, P Verbanck, C Kornreich
Journal of gambling studies 31, 409-421, 2015
Órdenes: US National Institutes of Health
Subclinical alexithymia modulates early audio-visual perceptive and attentional event-related potentials
D Delle-Vigne, C Kornreich, P Verbanck, S Campanella
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 106, 2014
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Neural correlates of correct and failed response inhibition in heavy versus light social drinkers: an fMRI study during a go/no-go task by healthy participants
S Campanella, J Absil, C Carbia Sinde, E Schroder, P Peigneux, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 11, 1796-1811, 2017
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Short-term impact of tDCS over the right inferior frontal cortex on impulsive responses in a go/no-go task
S Campanella, E Schroder, MA Vanderhasselt, C Baeken, C Kornreich, ...
Clinical EEG and neuroscience 49 (6), 398-406, 2018
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
A smoking-related background helps moderate smokers to focus: an event-related potential study using a Go-NoGo task
S Detandt, A Bazan, E Schröder, G Olyff, H Kajosch, P Verbanck, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 128 (10), 1872-1885, 2017
Órdenes: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
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