Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Kristin Vala RagnarsdottirMás información
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An assessment of metal supply sustainability as an input to policy: security of supply extraction rates, stocks-in-use, recycling, and risk of scarcity
HU Sverdrup, KV Ragnarsdottir, D Koca
Journal of cleaner production 140, 359-372, 2017
Órdenes: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Nanoscale observations of extracellular polymeric substances deposition on phyllosilicates by an ectomycorrhizal fungus
SA Gazzè, L Saccone, MM Smits, AL Duran, JR Leake, SA Banwart, ...
Geomicrobiology Journal 30 (8), 721-730, 2013
Órdenes: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Renewable energy use for aquaponics development on a global scale towards sustainable food production
R Thorarinsdottir, D Coaten, E Pantanella, C Shultz, H Stander, ...
Geothermal, Wind and Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture and …, 2017
Órdenes: Icelandic Centre for Research
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Challenges of sustainable and commercial aquaponics
S Goddek, B Delaide, U Mankasingh, KV Ragnarsdottir, H Jijakli, ...
Sustainability 7 (4), 4199-4224, 2015
Órdenes: European Commission
Investigating the sustainability of the global silver supply, reserves, stocks in society and market price using different approaches
H Sverdrup, D Koca, KV Ragnarsdottir
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 83, 121-140, 2014
Órdenes: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Global phosphorus supply chain dynamics: assessing regional impact to 2050
CE Nedelciu, KV Ragnarsdottir, P Schlyter, I Stjernquist
Global Food Security 26, 100426, 2020
Órdenes: European Commission
Women in power: Female leadership and public health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic
L Coscieme, L Fioramonti, LF Mortensen, KE Pickett, I Kubiszewski, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.07. 13.20152397, 2020
Órdenes: Irish Research Council
Re-partitioning of Cu and Zn isotopes by modified protein expression
A Büchl, CJ Hawkesworth, KV Ragnarsdottir, DR Brown
Geochemical transactions 9, 1-7, 2008
Órdenes: Cancer Research UK
Opening access to the black box: The need for reporting on the global phosphorus supply chain
CE Nedelciu, KV Ragnarsdóttir, I Stjernquist, MK Schellens
Ambio 49 (4), 881-891, 2020
Órdenes: European Commission
From waste to resource: A systems dynamics and stakeholder analysis of phosphorus recycling from municipal wastewater in Europe
CE Nedelciu, KV Ragnarsdóttir, I Stjernquist
Ambio 48, 741-751, 2019
Órdenes: European Commission
Investigating the role of microbes in mineral weathering: Nanometre-scale characterisation of the cell–mineral interface using FIB and TEM
MB Ward, D Kapitulčinová, AP Brown, PJ Heard, D Cherns, CS Cockell, ...
Micron 47, 10-17, 2013
Órdenes: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Defining a free market: drivers of unsustainability as illustrated with an example of shrimp farming in the mangrove forest in South East Asia
H Sverdrup, D Koca, KV Ragnarsdottir
Journal of Cleaner Production 140, 299-311, 2017
Órdenes: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Economies of scale and perceived corruption in natural resource management: A comparative study between Ukraine, Romania, and Iceland
J Gisladottir, S Sigurgeirsdottir, KV Ragnarsdóttir, I Stjernquist
Sustainability 13 (13), 7363, 2021
Órdenes: European Commission
Corruption risks in renewable resource governance: Case studies in Iceland and Romania
J Gisladottir, S Sigurgeirsdottir, I Stjernquist, KV Ragnarsdottir
Politics and Governance 8 (2), 167-179, 2020
Órdenes: European Commission
Stakeholder participation in developing sustainability indicators for a European Northern periphery tourism system
KR Kristjánsdóttir, R Ólafsdóttir, KV Ragnarsdóttir
Journal of Rural and Community Development 12 (2-3), 2017
Órdenes: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Transparency and leverage points for sustainable resource management
J Gisladottir, S Sigurgeirsdottir, I Stjernquist, KV Ragnarsdottir
Sustainability 14 (24), 16801, 2022
Órdenes: European Commission
Approaching the study of corruption and natural resources through qualitative system dynamics
J Gisladottir, S Sigurgeirsdottir, I Stjernquist, KV Ragnarsdottir
Resources 11 (8), 69, 2022
Órdenes: European Commission
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