Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Atle MysterudMás información
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Living and dying in a multi‐predator landscape of fear: roe deer are squeezed by contrasting pattern of predation risk imposed by lynx and humans
K Lone, LE Loe, T Gobakken, JDC Linnell, J Odden, J Remmen, ...
Oikos 123 (6), 641-651, 2014
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Leave before it's too late: anthropogenic and environmental triggers of autumn migration in a hunted ungulate population
IM Rivrud, R Bischof, EL Meisingset, B Zimmermann, LE Loe, A Mysterud
Ecology 97 (4), 1058-1068, 2016
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Landscape of risk to roe deer imposed by lynx and different human hunting tactics
JK Norum, K Lone, JDC Linnell, J Odden, LE Loe, A Mysterud
European Journal of Wildlife Research 61, 831-840, 2015
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Temporal variation in habitat selection breaks the catch‐22 of spatially contrasting predation risk from multiple predators
K Lone, A Mysterud, T Gobakken, J Odden, J Linnell, LE Loe
Oikos 126 (5), 624-632, 2017
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Temporal scales of density‐dependent habitat selection in a large grazing herbivore
AW Blix, A Mysterud, LE Loe, G Austrheim
Oikos 123 (8), 933-942, 2014
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Timing of the hunting season as a tool to redistribute harvest of migratory deer across the landscape
LE Loe, IM Rivrud, EL Meisingset, S Bøe, M Hamnes, V Veiberg, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 62, 315-323, 2016
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Insorgenza delle malattie trasmesse da zecche nel nord Europa: un approccio comparato.
A Mysterud, S Jore, O Østerås, H Viljugrein
Summa, Animali da Reddito 14 (1), 2019
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
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Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements
MA Tucker, K Böhning-Gaese, WF Fagan, JM Fryxell, B Van Moorter, ...
Science 359 (6374), 466-469, 2018
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
Seasonality, weather and climate affect home range size in roe deer across a wide latitudinal gradient within E urope
N Morellet, C Bonenfant, L Börger, F Ossi, F Cagnacci, M Heurich, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1326-1339, 2013
Órdenes: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Italy
An adaptive behavioural response to hunting: surviving male red deer shift habitat at the onset of the hunting season
K Lone, LE Loe, EL Meisingset, I Stamnes, A Mysterud
Animal Behaviour 102, 127-138, 2015
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
How many routes lead to migration? Comparison of methods to assess and characterize migratory movements
F Cagnacci, S Focardi, A Ghisla, B Van Moorter, EH Merrill, E Gurarie, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (1), 54-68, 2016
Órdenes: European Commission
Anaplasma phagocytophilum evolves in geographical and biotic niches of vertebrates and ticks
RI Jaarsma, H Sprong, K Takumi, M Kazimirova, C Silaghi, A Mysterud, ...
Parasites & vectors 12, 1-17, 2019
Órdenes: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Sheep grazing in the North Atlantic region: A long-term perspective on environmental sustainability
LC Ross, G Austrheim, LJ Asheim, G Bjarnason, J Feilberg, AM Fosaa, ...
Ambio 45, 551-566, 2016
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Contrasting emergence of Lyme disease across ecosystems
A Mysterud, WR Easterday, VM Stigum, AB Aas, EL Meisingset, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11882, 2016
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Berry production drives bottom–up effects on body mass and reproductive success in an omnivore
AG Hertel, R Bischof, O Langval, A Mysterud, J Kindberg, JE Swenson, ...
Oikos 127 (2), 197-207, 2018
Órdenes: Austrian Science Fund, Research Council of Norway, Swedish Environmental …
Behavioral buffering of extreme weather events in a high‐Arctic herbivore
LE Loe, BB Hansen, A Stien, S D. Albon, R Bischof, A Carlsson, RJ Irvine, ...
Ecosphere 7 (6), e01374, 2016
Órdenes: UK Natural Environment Research Council, Research Council of Norway
Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research
MPG Hofman, MW Hayward, M Heim, P Marchand, CM Rolandsen, ...
PLoS One 14 (5), e0216223, 2019
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Bears and berries: species-specific selective foraging on a patchily distributed food resource in a human-altered landscape
AG Hertel, SMJG Steyaert, A Zedrosser, A Mysterud, HK Lodberg-Holm, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70, 831-842, 2016
Órdenes: Austrian Science Fund, Research Council of Norway, Swedish Environmental …
Parasite load and seasonal migration in red deer
A Mysterud, L Qviller, EL Meisingset, H Viljugrein
Oecologia 180, 401-407, 2016
Órdenes: Research Council of Norway
Wave-like patterns of plant phenology determine ungulate movement tactics
EO Aikens, A Mysterud, JA Merkle, F Cagnacci, IM Rivrud, M Hebblewhite, ...
Current Biology 30 (17), 3444-3449. e4, 2020
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
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