Jochen Wirtz
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 9th edition
J Wirtz, C Lovelock
World Scientific, ISBN 978-1944659790 (hard cover), ISBN 978-1944659820 …, 2022
"So What if ChatGPT Wrote It?” Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Opportunities, Challenges and Implications of Generative Conversational AI for Research, Practice and Policy
YK Dwivedi, N Kshetri, L Hughes, EL Slade, A Jeyara, J Wirtz, …
International Journal of Information Management 71, 102642, 2023
Congruency of Scent and Music as a Driver of In-store Evaluations and Behavior
AS Mattila, J Wirtz
Journal of Retailing 77 (2), 273-289, 2001
Brave New World: Service Robots in the Frontline
J Wirtz, P Patterson, W Kunz, T Gruber, VN Lu, S Paluch, A Martins
Journal of Service Management 29 (5), 907-931, 2018
Pemasaran Jasa: Manusia, Tekhnologi, Strategi Jilid I
C Lovelock, J Wirtz, J Mussry
Indonesian Edition of Services Marketing. Publisher: Erlanggah, Indonesia, 2010
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 5th edition
CH Lovelock, J Wirtz
Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0-13-610721-7, ISBN 0-13-187552-3, ISBN 0-13 …, 2004
Managing Brands and Customer Engagement in Online Brand Communities
J Wirtz, A den Ambtman, J Bloemer, C Horváth, B Ramaseshan, ...
Journal of Service Management 24 (3), 223-244, 2013
Consumer Responses to Compensation, Speed of Recovery and Apology After a Service Failure
J Wirtz, AS Mattila
International Journal of Service Industry Management 15 (2), 150-166, 2004
Marketing des Services, 7th edition
C Lovelock, J Wirtz, D Lapert, A Munos
Paris: Pearson Education France; ISBN 978-2744076633, 2015
The Effects of Incentives, Deal Proneness, Satisfaction and Tie Strength on Word-of-Mouth Behaviour
J Wirtz, P Chew
International Journal of Service Industry Management 13 (2), 141-162, 2002
Essentials of Services Marketing, 4th edition
J Wirtz
Pearson Higher Education, ISBN: 978-1-292-42519-1, 2023
Consumer Satisfaction with Services: Integrating the Environment Perspective in Services Marketing into the Traditional Disconfirmation Paradigm
J Wirtz, JEG Bateson
Journal of Business Research 44 (1), 55-66, 1999
The Role of Store Environmental Stimulation and Social Factors on Impulse Purchasing
AS Mattila, J Wirtz
Journal of Services Marketing 22 (7), 562-567, 2008
The Moderating Role of Target-Arousal on the Impact of Affect on Satisfaction—an Examination in the Context of Service Experiences
J Wirtz, AS Mattila, RLP Tan
Journal of Retailing 76 (3), 347-365, 2000
Has Revenue Management Become Acceptable?
SE Kimes, J Wirtz
Journal of Service Research 6 (2), 125-135, 2003
Perceived Fairness of Demand-Based Pricing for Restaurants
SE Kimes, J Wirtz
Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Quarterly 43 (1), 31-37, 2002
Platforms in the Peer-to-Peer Sharing Economy
J Wirtz, KKF So, M Mody, S Liu, HHE Chun
Journal of Service Management 30 (4), 452-483, 2019
Metaverse Marketing: How the Metaverse Will Shape the Future of Consumer Research and Practice
YK Dwivedi, L Hughes, Y Wang, AA Alalwan, SJG Ahn, J Balakrishnan, ...
Psychology & Marketing 40 (4), 750-776, 2023
Service Robots, Customers, and Service Employees: What Can We Learn from the Academic Literature and Where are the Gaps?
VN Lu, J Wirtz, W Kunz, S Paluch, T Guber, A Martins, P Patterson
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 30 (3), 361-391, 2020
Consumer Online Privacy Concerns and Responses: A Power–Responsibility Equilibrium Perspective
M Lwin, J Wirtz, JD Williams
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35 (4), 572-585, 2007
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