Joshua Newton
Joshua Newton
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Environmental concern and environmental purchase intentions: The mediating role of learning strategy
JD Newton, Y Tsarenko, C Ferraro, S Sands
Journal of Business Research 68 (9), 1974-1981, 2015
How does the general public view posthumous organ donation? A meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature
JD Newton
BMC public health 11, 1-11, 2011
Knowledge about sports-related concussion: is the message getting through to coaches and trainers?
PE White, JD Newton, M Makdissi, SJ Sullivan, G Davis, P McCrory, ...
British journal of sports medicine 48 (2), 119-124, 2014
Effects of power and individual-level cultural orientation on preferences for volunteer tourism
J Wong, JD Newton, FJ Newton
Tourism Management 42, 132-140, 2014
Ethical evaluation of audience segmentation in social marketing
J D. Newton, F J. Newton, T Turk, M T. Ewing
European Journal of Marketing 47 (9), 1421-1438, 2013
Skills training to avoid inadvertent plagiarism: Results from a randomised control study
FJ Newton, JD Wright, JD Newton
Higher Education Research & Development 33 (6), 1180-1193, 2014
Powerlessness following service failure and its implications for service recovery
J Wong, JD Newton, FJ Newton
Marketing Letters 27, 63-75, 2016
Conceptual overlap between moral norms and anticipated regret in the prediction of intention: Implications for theory of planned behaviour research
JD Newton, FJ Newton, MT Ewing, S Burney, M Hay
Psychology & health 28 (5), 495-513, 2013
Translating guidelines for the diagnosis and management of sports-related concussion into practice
A Donaldson, J Newton, P McCrory, P White, G Davis, M Makdissi, ...
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 10 (2), 120-135, 2016
How Contagious Is Your Viral Marketing Campaign?: A Mathematical Model for Assessing Campaign Performance
MT Ewing, DB Stewart, DR Mather, JD Newton
Journal of Advertising Research 54 (2), 205-216, 2014
Deck the halls with boughs of holly to soften evaluations of service failure
JD Newton, J Wong, R Casidy
Journal of Service Research 21 (4), 389-404, 2018
Resolving the theory of planned behaviour's ‘expectancy-value muddle’using dimensional salience
JD Newton, MT Ewing, S Burney, M Hay
Psychology & health 27 (5), 588-602, 2012
Intention to use sport concussion guidelines among community-level coaches and sports trainers
JD Newton, PE White, MT Ewing, M Makdissi, GA Davis, A Donaldson, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 17 (5), 469-473, 2014
When nutritional guidelines and life collide: family fruit and vegetable socialisation practices in low socioeconomic communities
SM Judd, JD Newton, FJ Newton, MT Ewing
Journal of Marketing Management 30 (15-16), 1625-1653, 2014
This is your stomach speaking: Anthropomorphized health messages reduce portion size preferences among the powerless
FJ Newton, JD Newton, J Wong
Journal of Business Research 75, 229-239, 2017
Listerine–for the bridesmaid who’s never a bride: Disparaging humour increases brand attitude and recall among the powerless
JD Newton, J Wong, FJ Newton
European Journal of Marketing 50 (7/8), 1137-1158, 2016
Evaluating the efficacy of tuberculosis Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) activities in Pakistan: a cross-sectional study
T Turk, F Newton, J Netwon, F Naureen, J Bokhari
BMC Public Health 13, 887, 2013
Resolving contradictions in institutional demands through loose coupling
JD Newton, MT Ewing, PM Collier
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (5), 747-753, 2014
A profile of Australian adults who have discussed their posthumous organ donation wishes with family members
JD Newton, S Burney, M Hay, MT Ewing
Journal of health communication 15 (5), 470-486, 2010
Implementation of concussion guidelines in community Australian Football and Rugby League—the experiences and challenges faced by coaches and sports trainers
JL Kemp, JD Newton, PE White, CF Finch
Journal of science and medicine in sport 19 (4), 305-310, 2016
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