Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Jari-Erik NurmiLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 14
Positive teacher and peer relations combine to predict primary school students’ academic skill development.
N Kiuru, K Aunola, MK Lerkkanen, E Pakarinen, E Poskiparta, T Ahonen, ...
Developmental psychology 51 (4), 434, 2015
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
The role of parental expectations and students' motivational profiles for educational aspirations
R Lazarides, J Viljaranta, K Aunola, L Pesu, JE Nurmi
Learning and Individual Differences 51, 29-36, 2016
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Early cognitive precursors of children's mathematics learning disability and persistent low achievement: A 5‐year longitudinal study
X Zhang, P Räsänen, T Koponen, K Aunola, MK Lerkkanen, JE Nurmi
Child development 91 (1), 7-27, 2020
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Knowing, applying, and reasoning about arithmetic: Roles of domain-general and numerical skills in multiple domains of arithmetic learning.
X Zhang, P Räsänen, T Koponen, K Aunola, MK Lerkkanen, JE Nurmi
Developmental Psychology 53 (12), 2304, 2017
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Adolescents as “producers of their own development”: Correlates and consequences of the importance and attainment of developmental tasks
I Seiffge-Krenke, N Kiuru, JE Nurmi
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 7 (4), 479-510, 2010
Mandaatit: German Research Foundation
Patterns of word reading skill, interest and self-concept of ability
J Viljaranta, N Kiuru, MK Lerkkanen, G Silinskas, AM Poikkeus, JE Nurmi
Educational Psychology 37 (6), 712-732, 2017
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Best friends in adolescence show similar educational careers in early adulthood
N Kiuru, K Salmela-Aro, JE Nurmi, P Zettergren, H Andersson, L Bergman
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 33 (2), 102-111, 2012
Mandaatit: Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation
Children's temperament and academic skill development during first grade: Teachers' interaction styles as mediators
J Viljaranta, K Aunola, S Mullola, J Virkkala, R Hirvonen, E Pakarinen, ...
Child development 86 (4), 1191-1209, 2015
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Elementary school teachers adapt their instructional support according to students’ academic skills: A variable and person-oriented approach
N Kiuru, JE Nurmi, E Leskinen, M Torppa, AM Poikkeus, MK Lerkkanen, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Development 39 (5), 391-401, 2015
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
How university students with reading difficulties are supported in achieving their goals
HL Stack-Cutler, RK Parrila, M Jokisaari, JE Nurmi
Journal of Learning Disabilities 48 (3), 323-334, 2015
Mandaatit: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Hopes and fears for the future among Chinese adolescents
W Zhang, L Chen, F Yu, S Wang, JE Nurmi
Journal of Research on Adolescence 25 (4), 622-629, 2015
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Friend influence and susceptibility to influence: Changes in mathematical reasoning as a function of relative peer acceptance and interest in mathematics
D DeLay, B Laursen, N Kiuru, AM Poikkeus, K Aunola, JE Nurmi
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-) 62 (3), 306-333, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Suomen …
Parental causal attributions and emotions in daily learning situations with the child.
E Enlund, K Aunola, A Tolvanen, JE Nurmi
Journal of Family Psychology 29 (4), 568, 2015
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Adolescents' domain-specific self-concepts of ability predict their domain-specific causal attributions: A longitudinal study
AL Clem, K Aunola, R Hirvonen, S Määttä, JE Nurmi, N Kiuru
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 64 (4), 539-569, 2018
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Saatavilla jossain: 61
Changes in stress perception and coping during adolescence: The role of situational and personal factors
I Seiffge‐Krenke, K Aunola, JE Nurmi
Child development 80 (1), 259-279, 2009
Mandaatit: German Research Foundation
Pressure to drink but not to smoke: Disentangling selection and socialization in adolescent peer networks and peer groups
N Kiuru, WJ Burk, B Laursen, K Salmela-Aro, JE Nurmi
Journal of adolescence 33 (6), 801-812, 2010
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Examining the simple view of reading in a transparent orthography: A longitudinal study from kindergarten to grade 3
M Torppa, GK Georgiou, MK Lerkkanen, P Niemi, AM Poikkeus, JE Nurmi
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-) 62 (2), 179-206, 2016
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
The developmental dynamics between interest, self-concept of ability, and academic performance
J Viljaranta, A Tolvanen, K Aunola, JE Nurmi
Scandinavian journal of educational research 58 (6), 734-756, 2014
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Child-centered versus teacher-directed teaching practices: Associations with the development of academic skills in the first grade at school
MK Lerkkanen, N Kiuru, E Pakarinen, AM Poikkeus, H Rasku-Puttonen, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36, 145-156, 2016
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Developmental dynamics between children’s externalizing problems, task-avoidant behavior, and academic performance in early school years: A 4-year follow-up.
RL Metsäpelto, E Pakarinen, N Kiuru, AM Poikkeus, MK Lerkkanen, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (1), 246, 2015
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
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