Gerardo Segura-Warnholtz
Gerardo Segura-Warnholtz
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Mexico's community‐managed forests as a global model for sustainable landscapes
DB Bray, L Merino‐Pérez, P Negreros‐Castillo, G Segura‐Warnholtz, ...
Conservation biology 17 (3), 672-677, 2003
Patterns of β‐diversity in a Mexican tropical dry forest
P Balvanera, E Lott, G Segura, C Siebe, A Islas
Journal of vegetation science 13 (2), 145-158, 2002
Tree community structure and stem mortality along a water availability gradient in a Mexican tropical dry forest
G Segura, P Balvanera, E Durán, A Pérez
Plant ecology 169, 259-271, 2002
Woody plant diversity and structure of shade-grown-coffee plantations in Northern Chiapas, Mexico
L Soto-Pinto, Y Romero-Alvarado, J Caballero-Nieto, G Segura Warnholtz
Revista de Biología Tropical 49 (3-4), 977-987, 2001
Structure and tree diversity patterns at the landscape level in a Mexican tropical deciduous forest
E Durán, JA Meave, EJ Lott, G Segura
Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, 43-60, 2006
Forest management options for sequestering carbon in Mexico
OR Masera, MR Bellon, G Segura
Biomass and Bioenergy 8 (5), 357-367, 1995
Estructura, composición y dinámica de la vegetación
E Durán, P Balvanera, E Lott, G Segura, LA Pérez-Jiménez, A Islas, ...
Historia natural de Chamela, 443-472, 2002
Las políticas forestales y de conservación y sus impactos en las comunidades forestales en México
L Merino-Pérez, G Segura-Warnholtz
Los bosques comunitarios de México. Manejo sustentable de paisajes …, 2007
Stand dynamics and regeneration patterns of a pinyon pine forest in east central Mexico
G Segura, LC Snook
Forest Ecology and Management 47 (1-4), 175-194, 1992
Quince años de políticas públicas para la acción colectiva en comunidades forestales
G Segura-Warnholtz
Revista Mexicana de Sociología 76 (núm. especial (septiembre, 2014)), 105-135, 2014
Chapter 3: Forest and Conservation Policies and Their Impact on Forest Communities in Mexico
L Merino-Perez, G Segura-Warnholtz
The community forests of Mexico: managing for sustainable landscapes, 49-70, 2005
El manejo de los recursos forestales en México (1992-2002). Procesos, tendencias y políticas públicas
L Merino, G Segura
E. Leff, I. Pisanty y P. Romero (comp.), La transición hacia el desarrollo …, 2002
The response of western forests to air pollution
M Arbaugh, L Brubaker, A Bytnerowicz, S Cline, E Cook, T Droessler, ...
Springer, 2013
Forest certification and governments: the real and potential influence on regulatory frameworks and forest policies
G Segura
Forest Trends, 2004
Forestry options for sequestering carbon in Mexico: comparative economic analysis of three case studies
O Masera, MR Bellon, G Segura
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 27 (S1), 227-244, 1997
La riqueza de los bosques mexicanos: más allá de la madera: experiencias de comunidades rurales
C López
CIFOR, 2005
Mexico's forest sector and policies: A general perspective
G Segura
Wetlands 58, 29.7, 2000
Variations in radial growth of declining old-growth stands of Abiesamabilis after tephra deposition from Mount St. Helens
G Segura, TM Hinckley, LB Brubaker
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25 (9), 1484-1492, 1995
Forest organization, management, and policy
CD Oliver, M Boydak, G Segura, B Bare
Maintaining biodiversity in forest ecosystems. M. Hunter (editor). Cambridge …, 1999
Recent mortality and decline in mature Abies amabilis: the interaction between site factors and tephra deposition from Mount St. Helens
G Segura, LB Brubaker, JF Franklin, TM Hinckley, DA Maguire, G Wright
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24 (6), 1112-1122, 1994
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