Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Ari JumpponenLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 5
Biogeography of root-associated fungal endophytes
A Jumpponen, J Herrera, A Porras-Alfaro, J Rudgers
Biogeography of mycorrhizal symbiosis, 195-222, 2017
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Chestnuts bred for blight resistance depart nursery with distinct fungal rhizobiomes
C Reazin, R Baird, S Clark, A Jumpponen
Mycorrhiza 29, 313-324, 2019
Mandaatit: US Department of Agriculture
Emerging plant diseases: what are our best strategies for management?
KA Garrett, A Jumpponen, LG Montano
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health
Urbanisation shapes microbial community composition and functional attributes more so than vegetation type in urban greenspaces across climatic zones
B Zheng, L Su, N Hui, A Jumpponen, DJ Kotze, C Lu, R Pouyat, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191, 109352, 2024
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Forest Ecology and Management hirt TT THE DE PET
SP Brown, SLCE Ford, A Jumpponen, AM Saxton, SE Schlarbaum, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 525, 120569, 2022
Mandaatit: US Department of Agriculture
Saatavilla jossain: 68
Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS 2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for analysis of environmental sequencing data
J Bengtsson‐Palme, M Ryberg, M Hartmann, S Branco, Z Wang, A Godhe, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 4 (10), 914-919, 2013
Mandaatit: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Fire frequency drives decadal changes in soil carbon and nitrogen and ecosystem productivity
AFA Pellegrini, A Ahlström, SE Hobbie, PB Reich, LP Nieradzik, ...
Nature 553 (7687), 194-198, 2018
Mandaatit: US Department of Energy, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …
DNA metabarcoding—Need for robust experimental designs to draw sound ecological conclusions
L Zinger, A Bonin, IG Alsos, M Bálint, H Bik, F Boyer, AA Chariton, S Creer, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (8), 1857-1862, 2019
Mandaatit: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Microbiome networks: a systems framework for identifying candidate microbial assemblages for disease management
R Poudel, A Jumpponen, DC Schlatter, TC Paulitz, BBMS Gardener, ...
Phytopathology 106 (10), 1083-1096, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
Scraping the bottom of the barrel: are rare high throughput sequences artifacts?
SP Brown, AM Veach, AR Rigdon-Huss, K Grond, SK Lickteig, ...
fungal ecology 13, 221-225, 2015
Mandaatit: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Five simple guidelines for establishing basic authenticity and reliability of newly generated fungal ITS sequences
RH Nilsson, L Tedersoo, K Abarenkov, M Ryberg, E Kristiansson, ...
MycoKeys 4, 37-63, 2012
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health, Genome Canada, Swedish Research Council …
Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi
RH Nilsson, KD Hyde, J Pawłowska, M Ryberg, L Tedersoo, AB Aas, ...
Fungal Diversity 67, 11-19, 2014
Mandaatit: Genome Canada, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Swedish …
Soil microbial communities are shaped by vegetation type and park age in cities under cold climate
N Hui, A Jumpponen, G Francini, DJ Kotze, X Liu, M Romantschuk, ...
Environmental microbiology 19 (3), 1281-1295, 2017
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Urbanization reduces transfer of diverse environmental microbiota indoors
A Parajuli, M Grönroos, N Siter, R Puhakka, HK Vari, MI Roslund, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 84, 2018
Mandaatit: Innovaatiotoiminnan rahoittaja ja verkottaja
Fungal community shifts in structure and function across a boreal forest fire chronosequence
H Sun, M Santalahti, J Pumpanen, K Köster, F Berninger, T Raffaello, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (22), 7869-7880, 2015
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
Vegetation type and age drive changes in soil properties, nitrogen, and carbon sequestration in urban parks under cold climate
HM Setälä, G Francini, JA Allen, N Hui, A Jumpponen, DJ Kotze
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 93, 2016
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
FOAM (functional ontology assignments for metagenomes): a hidden Markov model (HMM) database with environmental focus
E Prestat, MM David, J Hultman, N Taş, R Lamendella, J Dvornik, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (19), e145-e145, 2014
Mandaatit: US Department of Energy
Polymerase matters: non-proofreading enzymes inflate fungal community richness estimates by up to 15%
AK Oliver, SP Brown, MA Callaham Jr, A Jumpponen
Fungal Ecology 15, 86-89, 2015
Mandaatit: US Department of Energy
Rootstocks shape the rhizobiome: rhizosphere and endosphere bacterial communities in the grafted tomato system
R Poudel, A Jumpponen, MM Kennelly, CL Rivard, L Gomez-Montano, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (2), e01765-18, 2019
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Vertical and seasonal dynamics of fungal communities in boreal Scots pine forest soil
M Santalahti, H Sun, A Jumpponen, T Pennanen, J Heinonsalo
FEMS microbiology ecology 92 (11), fiw170, 2016
Mandaatit: Suomen Akatemiaa
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