Susanne Veit
Susanne Veit
DeZIM-Institut (DeZIM.lab)
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Muslim by default or religious discrimination? Results from a cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination
V Di Stasio, B Lancee, S Veit, R Yemane
Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies 47 (6), 1305-1326, 2021
Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: A priming experiment
R Koopmans, S Veit
Social science research 47, 91-107, 2014
Taste or statistics? A correspondence study of ethnic, racial and religious labour market discrimination in Germany
R Koopmans, S Veit, R Yemane
Ethnic and Racial Studies 42 (16), 233-252, 2019
Ethnische hierarchien in der bewerberauswahl: Ein feldexperiment zu den ursachen von arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung
R Koopmans, S Veit, R Yemane
DEU, 2018
Cooperation in ethnically diverse neighborhoods: A lost‐letter experiment
R Koopmans, S Veit
Political Psychology 35 (3), 379-400, 2014
Discrimination against Turkish minorities in Germany and the Netherlands: field experimental evidence on the effect of diagnostic information on labour market outcomes
L Thijssen, B Lancee, S Veit, R Yemane
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (6), 1222-1239, 2021
Almost identical but still treated differently: hiring discrimination against foreign-born and domestic-born minorities
S Veit, L Thijsen
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (6), 1285-1304, 2021
Discrimination unveiled: a field experiment on the barriers faced by Muslim women in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain
M Fernández-Reino, V Di Stasio, S Veit
European Sociological Review 39 (3), 479-497, 2023
Attitudes toward asylum seekers: Evidence from Germany
A Hager, S Veit
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (2), 412-422, 2019
‘Society thinks they are cold and/or incompetent, but I do not’: Stereotype content ratings depend on instructions and the social group's location in the stereotype content space
PF Kotzur, S Veit, A Namyslo, MA Holthausen, U Wagner, R Yemane
British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (4), 1018-1042, 2020
Discontent with what? Linking self-centered and society-centered discontent to populist party support
H Giebler, M Hirsch, B Schürmann, S Veit
Political Studies 69 (4), 900-920, 2021
The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination: Technical report
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, M Fernandez Reino, ...
Available at SSRN 3398191, 2019
Ethnische Diversität, soziales Vertrauen und Zivilengagement
R Koopmans, A Dunkel, M Schaeffer, S Veit
Projektbericht, Berlin, 2011
The impact of emotions on polarization. Anger polarizes attitudes towards vaccine mandates and increases affective polarization
CG Nguyen, SJ Mayer, S Veit
Research & Politics 9 (3), 20531680221116571, 2022
The “Big Two” in Hiring Discrimination: Evidence From a Cross-National Field Experiment
S Veit, H Arnu, VD Stasio, R Yemane, M Coenders
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2021
The ethnic diversity and collective action survey (EDCAS): technical report
M Schaeffer, R Koopmans, S Veit, M Wagner, J Wiedner
Discussion Papers, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB …, 2011
Verfolgung vor Armut ausschlaggebend für die Offenheit der Deutschen ist der Fluchtgrund
R Ditlmann, R Koopmans, I Michalowski, A Rink, S Veit
WZB Mitteilungen 151, 24-27, 2016
In your face: a comparative field experiment on racial discrimination in Europe
JG Polavieja, B Lancee, M Ramos, S Veit, R Yemane
Socio-Economic Review 21 (3), 1551-1578, 2023
Blaming immigrants to enhance control: Exploring the control‐bolstering functions of causal attribution, in‐group identification, and hierarchy enhancement
M Hirsch, S Veit, I Fritsche
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 5 (2), 114-131, 2021
Ethnische Diversität, soziales Vertrauen und Zivilengagement: Projektbericht
R Koopmans, A Dunkel, M Schaeffer, S Veit
WZB Discussion Paper, 2011
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