Heli Sirén
Heli Sirén
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Variation in migration propensity among individuals maintained by landscape structure
I Hanski, C Erälahti, M Kankare, O Ovaskainen, H Sirén
Ecology letters 7 (10), 958-966, 2004
Bioactive phenolic compounds, metabolism and properties: A review on valuable chemical compounds in Scots pine and Norway spruce
S Metsämuuronen, H Sirén
Phytochemistry Reviews 18, 623-664, 2019
Determination of dopamine and methoxycatecholamines in patient urine by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection and by capillary electrophoresis coupled with …
K Vuorensola, H Sirén, U Karjalainen
Journal of Chromatography B 788 (2), 277-289, 2003
Determination of neutral carbohydrates by CZE with direct UV detection
S Rovio, J Yli‐Kauhaluoma, H Sirén
Electrophoresis 28 (17), 3129-3135, 2007
Selectivity in capillary electrophoresis in the presence of micelles, chiral selectors and non-aqueous media
ML Riekkola, SK Wiedmer, IE Valkó, H Sirén
Journal of Chromatography A 792 (1-2), 13-35, 1997
Extraction of iridoid glycosides and their determination by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
J Suomi, H Sirén, K Hartonen, ML Riekkola
Journal of Chromatography A 868 (1), 73-83, 2000
Validated method for the quantitation of quercetin from human plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
I Erlund, G Alfthan, H Siren, K Ariniemi, A Aro
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 727 (1-2 …, 1999
Chiral separation of dansyl-amino acids in a nonaqueous medium by capillary electrophoresis
IE Valkó, H Sirén, ML Riekkola
Journal of Chromatography A 737 (2), 263-272, 1996
Determination of monosaccharide composition in plant fiber materials by capillary zone electrophoresis
S Rovio, H Simolin, K Koljonen, H Sirén
Journal of Chromatography A 1185 (1), 139-144, 2008
Study of catecholamines in patient urine samples by capillary electrophoresis
H Sirén, U Karjalainen
Journal of Chromatography A 853 (1-2), 527-533, 1999
Application of capillary electrophoresis to determine metal cations, anions, organic acids, and carbohydrates in some Pinot Noir red wines
S Rovio, K Sirén, H Sirén
Food Chemistry 124 (3), 1194-1200, 2011
Characteristics of electroosmotic flow in capillary electrophoresis in water and in organic solvents without added ionic species
IE Valkó, H Sirén, ML Riekkola
Journal of Microcolumn Separations 11 (3), 199-208, 1999
Optimization of capillary electrophoretic‐electrospray ionization‐mass spectrometric analysis of catecholamines
K Vuorensola, J Kokkonen, H Sirén, RA Ketola
Electrophoresis 22 (20), 4347-4354, 2001
Determination of morphine analogues, caffeine and amphetamine in biological fluids by capillary electrophoresis with the marker technique
T Hyötyläinen, H Sirén, ML Riekkola
Journal of chromatography A 735 (1-2), 439-447, 1996
Determination of ten β-blockers in urine by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
P Lukkari, H Siren, M Pantsar, ML Riekkola
Journal of Chromatography A 632 (1-2), 143-148, 1993
Determination of urinary catecholamines with capillary electrophoresis after solid-phase extraction
K Vuorensola, H Sirén
Journal of Chromatography A 895 (1-2), 317-327, 2000
Optimized separation of pharmacologically active flavonoids from Epimedium species by capillary electrophoresis
HR Liang, H Sirén, ML Riekkola, P Vuorela, H Vuorela, R Hiltunen
Journal of Chromatography A 746 (1), 123-129, 1996
Capillary electrophoresis in the determination of anionic catecholamine metabolites from patients’ urine
H Sirén, M Mielonen, M Herlevi
Journal of Chromatography A 1032 (1-2), 289-297, 2004
Screening of β-blockers in human serum by ion-pair chromatography and their identification as methyl or acetyl derivatives by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry
H Siren, M Saarinen, S Hainari, P Lukkari, ML Riekkola
Journal of Chromatography A 632 (1-2), 215-227, 1993
Analysis of catecholamines by capillary electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis–nanospray mass spectrometry: use of aqueous and non-aqueous solutions compared with …
K Vuorensola, H Sirén, R Kostiainen, T Kotiaho
Journal of Chromatography A 979 (1-2), 179-189, 2002
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