Jiseul Sophia Ahn
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When students show some initiative: Two experiments on the benefits of greater agentic engagement
J Reeve, HR Jang, SH Shin, JS Ahn, L Matos, R Gargurevich
Learning and Instruction 80, 101564, 2022
Developmental pathways of preadolescents' intrinsic and extrinsic values: The role of basic psychological needs satisfaction
JS Ahn, J Reeve
European Journal of Personality 35 (2), 151-167, 2021
Different ways to support and thwart autonomy: Parenting profiles and adolescents’ career decision-making.
JS Ahn, A Plamondon, CF Ratelle
Journal of Family Psychology 37 (2), 161, 2023
Testing reciprocal associations between parenting and youth’s motivational resources of career decision-making agency during the postsecondary transition
JS Ahn, CF Ratelle, A Plamondon, S Duchesne, F Guay
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51 (12), 2396-2410, 2022
Trajectories of academic self-concept during the elementary school years: A growth mixture analysis
F Guay, AJS Morin, JS Ahn, R Bradet, HW Marsh, M Boivin
Learning and Individual Differences 98, 102196, 2022
Validation of the French-Canadian Version of the Positive Youth Development Scale-Short Form (PYD-SF)
JS Ahn, A Plamondon, M Bouchard, AS Denault
Applied Developmental Science 28 (3), 361-374, 2024
Value change across adolescent years: How do adolescents’ intrinsic and extrinsic values develop?
JS Ahn, M Busque-Carrier, S Cho, G Rivard
Journal of Research in Personality 99, 104263, 2022
Psychometric properties of the French version of the Parent–Rated Ontario Child Health Study Emotional Behavioural Scales.
A Plamondon, JS Ahn, L Duncan
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2024
Diseases of despair in early adulthood: The complex role of social relationships.
V Dupéré, E Dion, M Pelletier-Dumas, E Lacourse, I Archambault, ...
Developmental psychology, 2024
Teaching around the globe: A roundtable discussion of what teachers in different nations can learn from each other
The Oxford handbook of educational psychology, 2023
The Cinderella in me: A moderated mediation analysis of cinderella complex
JS Ahn, JNL Sim, MKG Venegas
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