Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura

Stanford University
Spominje se 956671 puta
Geoffrey Hinton

Geoffrey Hinton

Emeritus Prof. Computer Science, University of Toronto
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Spominje se 845889 puta
Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

University of Vienna
Spominje se 718908 puta
Richard M Ryan

Richard M Ryan

Institute for Positive Psychology & Education, Australian Catholic University
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Spominje se 620473 puta
Lev Vygotsky

Lev Vygotsky

Professor of Psychology
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Spominje se 551259 puta
Edward L. Deci

Edward L. Deci

Australian Catholic University, Sydney; University of Rochester; Univ College of Southeast …
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Spominje se 528023 puta
Donald B Rubin

Donald B Rubin

YCMS Tsinghua; Senior Research Fellow at Fox / Temple U, Emeritus at Harvard U
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Spominje se 408713 puta
Ed Diener

Ed Diener

Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois OR University of Utah OR University of Virginia
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Spominje se 364519 puta
George Lakoff

George Lakoff

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Cognitive Science. University of California, Berkeley
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Spominje se 276129 puta
David Creswell

David Creswell

Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
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Spominje se 271202 puta
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