Bernard Hoekman

Bernard Hoekman

European University Institute, CEPR, Economic Research Forum, Centre for Inclusive Trade …
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Spominje se 27196 puta
Christine Harland

Christine Harland

Professor of Supply Strategy, University of Bath, UK
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Spominje se 12081 puta
Christopher McCrudden

Christopher McCrudden

Queen's University Belfast; University of Michigan Law School
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Spominje se 8676 puta
Stephane Straub

Stephane Straub

Professor of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, Arqade
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Spominje se 6675 puta
Mihaly Fazekas

Mihaly Fazekas

Associate Professor, Central European University
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Spominje se 4085 puta
Nigel Caldwell

Nigel Caldwell

Professor of Operations & Supply Management
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Spominje se 4016 puta
Sangeeta Khorana

Sangeeta Khorana

Professor of International Trade Policy
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Spominje se 3758 puta
Alessandro Ancarani

Alessandro Ancarani

DICAR - Università di Catania
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Spominje se 3603 puta
ilde rizzo

ilde rizzo

Professor of Public Finance, University of Catania
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Spominje se 3462 puta
Roberta Pellegrino

Roberta Pellegrino

Associate Professor at Department of Mechanical, Management and Mathematic …
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Spominje se 3158 puta
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