Stanford University Saznajte više

Na ovoj stranici navedeni su javni profili za instituciju Stanford University. Da biste uključili svoj profil na popis, postavite svoju afilijaciju na Stanford University i potvrdite e-adresu za tu instituciju. sakrij
John P.A. Ioannidis

John PA Ioannidis

Professor of Medicine/Health Research & Policy/Biomedical Data Science/Statistics …
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Spominje se 579519 puta
Robert Tibshirani

Robert Tibshirani

Professor of Biomedical Data Sciences, and of Statistics, Stanford University
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Spominje se 506809 puta
Trevor Hastie

Trevor Hastie

Professor of Statistics, Stanford University
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Spominje se 373664 puta
Rainer Bartoldus

Rainer Bartoldus

Staff Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Spominje se 334225 puta
Yi Cui

Yi Cui

Stanford University
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Spominje se 307884 puta
Josh Cogan

Josh Cogan

PhD Physics, Stanford University
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Spominje se 289532 puta
Li Fei-Fei

Li Fei-Fei

Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
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Spominje se 267356 puta
Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng

Stanford University
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Spominje se 263206 puta
Christopher D Manning

Christopher D Manning

Professor of Computer Science and Linguistics, Stanford University
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Spominje se 259279 puta
Stephen Boyd

Stephen Boyd

Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Management Science, Stanford
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Spominje se 257297 puta
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