Muki Haklay
Muki Haklay
Professor of Geographical Information Science, UCL
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
OpenStreetMap: User-generated street maps
M Haklay, P Weber
Pervasive Computing, IEEE 7 (4), 12-18, 2008
How good is volunteered geographical information? A comparative study of OpenStreetMap and Ordnance Survey datasets
M Haklay
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37 (4), 682-703, 2010
Citizen science and volunteered geographic information: Overview and typology of participation
M Haklay
Crowdsourcing geographic knowledge: Volunteered geographic information (VGI …, 2013
Web mapping 2.0: the Neogeography of the Geoweb
M Haklay, A Singleton, C Parker
Geography Compass 2 (6), 2011-2039, 2008
Citizen Science Terminology Matters: Exploring Key Terms
MV Eitzel, JL Cappadonna, C Santos-Lang, RE Duerr, A Virapongse, ...
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 2 (1), 2017
Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
S Fritz, L See, T Carlson, MM Haklay, JL Oliver, D Fraisl, R Mondardini, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (10), 922-930, 2019
A review of volunteered geographic information quality assessment methods
H Senaratne, A Mobasheri, AL Ali, C Capineri, M Haklay
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (1), 139-167, 2017
How many volunteers does it take to map an area well? The validity of Linus’ law to volunteered geographic information
M Haklay, S Basiouka, V Antoniou, A Ather
The Cartographic Journal 47 (4), 315-322, 2010
Citizen science: innovation in open science, society and policy
S Hecker, M Haklay, A Bowser, Z Makuch, J Vogel, A Bonn
UCL Press, 2018
Neogeography and the delusion of democratisation
MM Haklay
Environment and Planning A 45 (1), 55-69, 2013
Web-based GIS for collaborative planning and public participation: An application to the strategic planning of wind farm sites
A Simao, PJ Densham, M Haklay
Journal of Environmental Management 90 (6), 2027-2040, 2009
Usability evaluation and PPGIS: towards a user-centred design approach
M Haklay, C Tobón
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17 (6), 577-592, 2003
Citizen Science and Policy: A European Perspective
M Haklay
The Wodrow Wilson Center, Commons Lab, 2015
Agent-based models and individualism: is the world agent-based?
D O'Sullivan, M Haklay
Environ Plann A 32 (8), 1409-1425, 2000
What is citizen science? The challenges of definition
M Haklay, D Dörler, F Heigl, M Manzoni, S Hecker, K Vohland, K Vohland, ...
The science of citizen science 13, 2021
Algorithmic governance: Developing a research agenda through the power of collective intelligence
J Danaher, MJ Hogan, C Noone, R Kennedy, A Behan, A De Paor, ...
Big data & society 4 (2), 2053951717726554, 2017
“So go downtown”: Simulating pedestrian movement in town centres
M Haklay, D O'Sullivan, M Thurstain-Goodwin, T Schelhorn
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28 (3), 343-359, 2001
STREETS: an agent-based pedestrian model.
T Schelhorn, D O'Sullivan, M Haklay, M Thurstain-Goodwin
FrancoAngeli, 1999
Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences
D Fraisl, G Hager, B Bedessem, M Gold, PY Hsing, F Danielsen, ...
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2 (1), 64, 2022
Visualising the city: communicating urban design to planners and decision-makers
M Batty, D Chapman, S Evans, M Haklay, S Keuppers, N Shiode, ...
Centre for Advnaced Spacial Analysis (CASA), Univeristy College London, 2000
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