Alex Lehr
Alex Lehr
Ismeretlen szervezet
E-mail megerősítve itt: fm.ru.nl
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The strange non-death of employer and business associations: An analysis of their representativeness and activities in Western European countries
B Brandl, A Lehr
Economic and Industrial Democracy 40 (4), 932-953, 2019
Value matters or values matter? An analysis of heterogeneity in preferences for sustainable investments
L Delsen, A Lehr
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 9 (3), 240-261, 2019
The role of the capability, opportunity, and motivation of firms for using human resource analytics to monitor employee performance: A multi‐level analysis of the …
B Bechter, B Brandl, A Lehr
New Technology, Work and Employment 37 (3), 398-424, 2022
Spillover and conflict in collective bargaining: evidence from a survey of Dutch union and firm negotiators
A Lehr, A Akkerman, R Torenvlied
Work, employment and society 29 (4), 641-660, 2015
On the outside looking in? A micro-level analysis of insiders’ and outsiders’ trade union membership
G Jansen, A Lehr
Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (1), 221-251, 2022
Spillovers and conflict in wage bargaining: Experimental evidence
A Lehr, J Vyrastekova, A Akkerman, R Torenvlied
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 63, 59-68, 2016
The influence of external information on collective bargaining: Survey evidence of union and firm negotiators in the Netherlands
A Lehr, A Akkerman, R Torenvlied
Relations industrielles 70 (2), 327-352, 2015
A problem of embeddedness: A micro-theoretical model of trade union action and interaction in Europe
B Brandl, A Lehr
Employee relations 40 (3), 500-514, 2018
European, national and transnational industrial relations: Visible and invisible hands in European and national wage setting
B Brandl, B Bechter, J Czarzasty, A Lehr, O Molina, P Nordin, A Toa
Durham. Search in, 2021
Employment relations as networks: Methods and theory
B Brandl, B Larsson, A Lehr, Ó Molina
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Horizontal and vertical spillovers in wage bargaining: A theoretical framework and experimental evidence
A Lehr, J Vyrastekova, A Akkerman, R Torenvlied
Rationality and Society 30 (1), 3-53, 2018
Rivaliserende wereldbeelden: Een onderzoek naar de samenhang van kerkelijkheid en schoolbezoek in de jonge jaren met naturalistisch evolutionisme in de volwassenheid
A Lehr, W Ultee
Religie & Samenleving 4 (3), 199-229, 2009
Digital disruption diversified—FinTechs and the emergence of a coopetitive market ecosystem
B Larsson, B Rolandsson, A Ilsøe, TP Larsen, A Lehr, J Masso
Socio-Economic Review 22 (2), 655-675, 2024
International Networks and the Activities of Peak Employers' Associations: Do As I Do?
B Brandl, A Lehr
Employment Relations as Networks, 177-194, 2022
The Role of the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation of Firms for Using HR Analytics to Monitor Employee Performance: A Multi-level Analysis of the Organizational, Market …
B Bechter, B Brandl, AR Lehr
The Digital Transformation Of Financial Services Markets And Industrial Relations–Exploring FinTech development in Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and Sweden
A Ilsøe, K Karma, TP Larsen, B Larsson, A Lehr, J Masso, I Pavlenkova, ...
What explains the use of HR analytics to monitor employee performance? An analysis of the role of the organizational, market, and country context
B Bechter, B Brandl, A Lehr
IZA Conference. https://confe rence. iza. org/confe rence_files/Workp …, 2020
Spillovers and conflict in collective bargaining experimental and survey studies
AR Lehr
Sl: sn, 2016
All about power after all? A multi‐level analysis of employers’ organization membership in Europe
A Lehr, G Jansen, B Brandl
British Journal of Industrial Relations 62 (2), 233-261, 2024
Looking up and down and round and round: a theoretical–empirical, individual-level analysis of income comparisons
A Lehr
Socio-Economic Review 22 (2), 501-532, 2024
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