Michel A. Hofman
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality
JN Zhou, MA Hofman, LJG Gooren, DF Swaab
Nature 378 (6552), 68-70, 1995
Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus
FPM Kruijver, JN Zhou, CW Pool, MA Hofman, LJG Gooren, DF Swaab
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 85 (5), 2034-2041, 2000
At what age is the developing cerebral cortex of the rat comparable to that of the full-term newborn human baby?
HJ Romijn, MA Hofman, A Gramsbergen
Early human development 26 (1), 61-67, 1991
An enlarged suprachiasmatic nucleus in homosexual men
DF Swaab, MA Hofman
Brain research 537 (1-2), 141-148, 1990
Alterations in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and its oxytocin neurons (putative satiety cells) in Prader-Willi syndrome: a study of five cases
DF Swaab, JS Purba, MA Hofman
The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism 80 (2), 573-579, 1995
Increased number of vasopressin-and oxytocin-expressing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in depression
JS Purba, WJG Hoogendijk, MA Hofman, DF Swaab
Archives of general psychiatry 53 (2), 137-143, 1996
Decreased melatonin levels in postmortem cerebrospinal fluid in relation to aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and apolipoprotein E-ε4/4 genotype
RY Liu, JN Zhou, J van Heerikhuize, MA Hofman, DF Swaab
The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism 84 (1), 323-327, 1999
Living by the clock: the circadian pacemaker in older people
MA Hofman, DF Swaab
Ageing research reviews 5 (1), 33-51, 2006
Size and shape of the cerebral cortex in mammals (Part 1 of 2) I. The cortical surface
MA Hofman
Brain, Behavior and Evolution 27 (1), 28-40, 1985
On the evolution and geometry of the brain in mammals
MA Hofman
Progress in neurobiology 32 (2), 137-158, 1989
Early neuropathological Alzheimer's changes in aged individuals are accompanied by decreased cerebrospinal fluid melatonin levels
JN Zhou, RY Liu, W Kamphorst, MA Hofman, DF Swaab
Journal of pineal research 35 (2), 125-130, 2003
Evolution of the human brain: when bigger is better
MA Hofman
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 8, 15, 2014
Energy metabolism, brain size and longevity in mammals
MA Hofman
The Quarterly Review of Biology 58 (4), 495-512, 1983
VIP neurons in the human SCN in relation to sex, age, and Alzheimer's disease
JN Zhou, MA Hofman, DF Swaab
Neurobiology of aging 16 (4), 571-576, 1995
Sexual differentiation of the human hypothalamus in relation to gender and sexual orientation
DF Swaab, MA Hofman
Trends in neurosciences 18 (6), 264-270, 1995
Alterations in circadian rhythmicity of the vasopressin-producing neurons of the human suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) with aging
MA Hofman, DF Swaab
Brain research 651 (1-2), 134-142, 1994
The sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in the human brain: a comparative morphometric study.
MA Hofman, DF Swaab
Journal of anatomy 164, 55, 1989
Sexual differentiation of the human hypothalamus: ontogeny of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area
DF Swaab, MA Hofman
Developmental Brain Research 44 (2), 314-318, 1988
Vasopressin and the output of the hypothalamic biological clock
A Kalsbeek, E Fliers, MA Hofman, DF Swaab, RM Buijs
Journal of neuroendocrinology 22 (5), 362-372, 2010
Alterations in arginine vasopressin neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in depression
JN Zhou, RF Riemersma, UA Unmehopa, WJG Hoogendijk, ...
Archives of General Psychiatry 58 (7), 655-662, 2001
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