Irmansyah Irmansyah
Irmansyah Irmansyah
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Penggunaan ekstrak antosianin kol merah sebagai Fotosensitizer pada sel surya TiO2 Nanokristal Tersensitisasi Dye
A Maddu, M Zuhri, I Irmansyah
Makara Journal of Technology 11 (2), 150092, 2010
Characterization of Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 films as light and temperature sensors and its implementation on automatic drying system model
Irzaman, R Siskandar, Aminullah, Irmansyah, H Alatas
Integrated Ferroelectrics 168 (1), 130-150, 2016
Internet of Things: Automatic plant watering system using Android
R Siskandar, MA Fadhil, BR Kusumah, I Irmansyah, I Irzaman
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) 9 (4 …, 2020
Evaluation of the performance of helmet prototypes fabricated from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composites filled with natural resource
S Nikmatin, B Hermawan, I Irmansyah, MN Indro, ABH Kueh, A Syafiuddin
Materials 12 (1), 34, 2018
The influence of hydrothermal duration on structures and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles
A Akhiruddin, S Sugianto, I Irmansyah
J. Mater. Phys. Chem 2, 34-37, 2015
Ektraksi silikon dioksida dari daun bambu
H Sa'diyah, S Nurhimawan, SA Fatoni, I Irmansyah, I Irzaman
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) 5, SNF2016-BMP-13-16, 2016
Struktur dan sifat optik film ZnO hasil deposisi dengan teknik spin-coating melalui proses sol-gel
A Maddu, CA Basuki, I Irmansyah, S Pramudito
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 7 (3), 85-90, 2018
Crystallinity and electrical properties of silicon dioxide (SiO2) from rice straw
NP Har, I Irzaman, I Irmansyah
AIP Conference Proceedings 2202 (1), 2019
Kajian Sifat Dielektrik Buah Semangka Dengan Pemanfaat Sinyal Listrik Frekuensi Rendah
J Juansah, I Irmansyah
Jurnal Sains MIPA Universitas Lampung 5 (3), 2012
Irzaman. Optimasi kelajuan pemanasan pada ekstraksi silikon dioksida (SiO2) dari sekam padi
I Masrur
J. Biofisika 9, 13, 2013
Oil palm empty fruit bunches as raw material of dissolving pulp for viscose rayon fiber in making textile products
S Nikmatin, I Irmansyah, B Hermawan, T Kardiansyah, FT Seta, IN Afiah, ...
Polymers 14 (15), 3208, 2022
A Novel Vible-Light Photodetector Based on Chlorophyll-Modified ZnO Nanoparticles
A Maddu, S Arjo, I Sofian
Photonics Letters of Poland 8 (3), 85-87, 2016
The diffusion coefficient of lithium tantalite (LiTaO3) with temperature variations on LAPAN-IPB satellite infra-red sensor
A Ismangil
Procedia Environmental Sciences 33, 668-673, 2016
Kinematics and dynamics of the ballistic impact behavior for an oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber reinforced bio-composite
S Nikmatin, B Hermawan, I Irmansyah, MN Indro, MD Sukardan, R Umam
Bioresources 15 (3), 6123, 2020
The diffusion coefficient of lithium tantalite with temperature variations on LAPAN-IPB satellite infra-red sensor
A Ismangil, I Irmansyah, I Irzaman
International Journal of Procedia Environmental Sciences 23, 343-444, 2016
Dye-sensitized solar cell based on flower-like ZnO nanoparticles as photoanode and natural dye as photosensitizer
SGP Agus, I Irmansyah, M Akhiruddin
Журнал нано-та електронної фізики, 02012-1-02012-4, 2016
Identification key to nymphal and adult mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) associated with dragon fruits in Indonesia
Biodiversitas 22 (8), 3113-3118, 2021
Effect of Light Intensity on Magnetic Properties of SrTiO3 Thin- Films
PL Bintari, V Rahmawaty, EK Palupi, N Patonah, I Irmansyah, ...
Key Engineering Materials 855, 208-212, 2020
Purity, morphological, and electrical characterization of silicon dioxide from cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) using different ashing temperatures
I Irzaman, D Yustaeni, A Aminullah, I Irmansyah, B Yuliarto
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 64 (8), 4143-4149, 2021
Sifat Listrik Telur Ayam Kampung Selama Penyimpanan
J Juansah, I Irmansyah, K Kusnadi
Media Peternakan 32 (1), 2009
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