Ozgur Erdur-Baker
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Dikutip oleh
Cyberbullying and its correlation to traditional bullying, gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools
Ö Erdur-Baker
New media & society 12 (1), 109-125, 2010
Examination of cyberbullying experiences among Turkish students from different school types
Ç Topçu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Çapa-Aydin
CyberPsychology & Behavior 11 (6), 643-648, 2008
Akran zorbalığının yeni yüzü: siber zorbalık.
Ö Erdur-Baker, F Kavşut
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), 2007
Cyber bullying: a new face of peer bullying
Ö Erdur-Baker, F Kavsut
Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 27, 31-42, 2007
The revised cyber bullying inventory (RCBI): Validity and reliability studies
Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 5, 660-664, 2010
Affective and cognitive empathy as mediators of gender differences in cyber and traditional bullying
Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker
School Psychology International 33 (5), 550-561, 2012
Nature and severity of college students' psychological concerns: A comparison of clinical and nonclinical national samples.
O Erdur-Baker, CL Aberson, JC Barrow, MR Draper
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 37 (3), 317, 2006
Time‐limited counseling outcome in a nationwide college counseling center sample
MR Draper, J Jennings, A Baron, O Erdur, L Shankar
Journal of College Counseling 5 (1), 26-38, 2002
Temel Empati Ölçeği Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması.
Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın
Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal 4 (34), 2010
The short version of ruminative response scale: reliability, validity and its relation to psychological symptoms
Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 5, 2178-2181, 2010
Motives behind cyberbullying perpetration: a test of uses and gratifications theory
I Tanrikulu, Ö Erdur-Baker
Journal of interpersonal Violence 36 (13-14), NP6699-NP6724, 2021
Symptom improvement and length of treatment in ethnically similar and dissimilar client-therapist pairings.
O Erdur, SS Rude, A Baron
Journal of Counseling Psychology 50 (1), 52, 2003
Cyber bullying@ schools: What do Turkish adolescents think?
Ç Topcu, A Yıldırım, Ö Erdur-Baker
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 35, 139-151, 2013
The Turkish version of the Ruminative Response Scale an examination of its reliability and validity
Ö Erdur Baker
Peer victimization, rumination, and problem solving as risk contributors to adolescents' depressive symptoms
Ö Erdur-Baker
The Journal of psychology 143 (1), 78-90, 2009
Ruminasyon düzeyinin toplumsal cinsiyet ve yaşa göre incelenmesi
A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker
Turkish psychological counseling and guidance journal 4 (36), 191-199, 2011
RCBI-II: The second revision of the revised cyber bullying inventory
Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 51 (1), 32-41, 2018
Psikolojik danışma ve kültürel faktörler
Ö Erdur-Baker
Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal 3 (27), 109-122, 2007
Mother-daughter relationship and daughter's self esteem
S Onayli, O Erdur-Baker
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 84, 327-331, 2013
Ergenlerde görülen psikolojik belirtilerin yordayıcıları olarak ruminasyon ve öfke/öfke ifade tarzları
ÖE Baker, SB Özgülük, N Turan, ND Danışık
Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal 4 (32), 45-53, 2009
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