Manfred Roessle
Manfred Roessle
Luebeck University of applied sciences
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Versatile sample environments and automation for biological solution X-ray scattering experiments at the P12 beamline (PETRA III, DESY)
CE Blanchet, A Spilotros, F Schwemmer, MA Graewert, A Kikhney, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 48 (2), 431-443, 2015
A helical structural nucleus is the primary elongating unit of insulin amyloid fibrils
B Vestergaard, M Groenning, M Roessle, JS Kastrup, M de Weert, ...
PLoS biology 5 (5), e134, 2007
Upgrade of the small-angle X-ray scattering beamline X33 at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg
MW Roessle, R Klaering, U Ristau, B Robrahn, D Jahn, T Gehrmann, ...
Applied Crystallography 40 (s1), s190-s194, 2007
Interaction of quorum signals with outer membrane lipids: insights into prokaryotic membrane vesicle formation
L Mashburn‐Warren, J Howe, P Garidel, W Richter, F Steiniger, ...
Molecular microbiology 69 (2), 491-502, 2008
BioSAXS Sample Changer: a robotic sample changer for rapid and reliable high-throughput X-ray solution scattering experiments
A Round, F Felisaz, L Fodinger, A Gobbo, J Huet, C Villard, CE Blanchet, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 71 (1), 67-75, 2015
Common architecture of nuclear receptor heterodimers on DNA direct repeat elements with different spacings
N Rochel, F Ciesielski, J Godet, E Moman, M Roessle, C Peluso-Iltis, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 18 (5), 564-570, 2011
P13, the EMBL macromolecular crystallography beamline at the low-emittance PETRA III ring for high-and low-energy phasing with variable beam focusing
M Cianci, G Bourenkov, G Pompidor, I Karpics, J Kallio, I Bento, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 24 (1), 323-332, 2017
A crescent-shaped ALIX dimer targets ESCRT-III CHMP4 filaments
R Pires, B Hartlieb, L Signor, G Schoehn, S Lata, M Roessle, C Moriscot, ...
Structure 17 (6), 843-856, 2009
Structural basis for autoinhibition of ESCRT-III CHMP3
S Lata, M Roessle, J Solomons, M Jamin, HG Gőttlinger, DI Svergun, ...
Journal of molecular biology 378 (4), 818-827, 2008
Automated sample-changing robot for solution scattering experiments at the EMBL Hamburg SAXS station X33
AR Round, D Franke, S Moritz, R Huchler, M Fritsche, D Malthan, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 41 (5), 913-917, 2008
New antiseptic peptides to protect against endotoxin-mediated shock
T Gutsmann, I Razquin-Olazarán, I Kowalski, Y Kaconis, J Howe, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 54 (9), 3817-3824, 2010
Biophysical mechanisms of endotoxin neutralization by cationic amphiphilic peptides
Y Kaconis, I Kowalski, J Howe, A Brauser, W Richter, I Razquin-Olazarán, ...
Biophysical journal 100 (11), 2652-2661, 2011
Mix-and-diffuse serial synchrotron crystallography
KR Beyerlein, D Dierksmeyer, V Mariani, M Kuhn, I Sarrou, A Ottaviano, ...
IUCrJ 4 (6), 769-777, 2017
The SAXS solution structure of RF1 differs from its crystal structure and is similar to its ribosome bound cryo-EM structure
B Vestergaard, S Sanyal, M Roessle, L Mora, RH Buckingham, ...
Molecular cell 20 (6), 929-938, 2005
Structure of the metal-independent restriction enzyme BfiI reveals fusion of a specific DNA-binding domain with a nonspecific nuclease
S Grazulis, E Manakova, M Roessle, M Bochtler, G Tamulaitiene, R Huber, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (44), 15797-15802, 2005
Fusion of Legionella pneumophila outer membrane vesicles with eukaryotic membrane systems is a mechanism to deliver pathogen factors to host cell membranes
J Jäger, S Keese, M Roessle, M Steinert, AB Schromm
Cellular microbiology 17 (5), 607-620, 2015
The “roll and lock” mechanism of force generation in muscle
MA Ferenczi, SY Bershitsky, N Koubassova, V Siththanandan, WI Helsby, ...
Structure 13 (1), 131-141, 2005
Variations of Subunit ε of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis F1Fo ATP Synthase and a Novel Model for Mechanism of Action of the Tuberculosis Drug TMC207
G Biuković, S Basak, MSS Manimekalai, S Rishikesan, M Roessle, T Dick, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 57 (1), 168-176, 2013
Instrumental setup for high-throughput small-and wide-angle solution scattering at the X33 beamline of EMBL Hamburg
CE Blanchet, AV Zozulya, AG Kikhney, D Franke, PV Konarev, W Shang, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 45 (3), 489-495, 2012
Golgi protein FAPP2 tubulates membranes
X Cao, Ü Coskun, M Rössle, SB Buschhorn, M Grzybek, TR Dafforn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (50), 21121-21125, 2009
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