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Analisis SWOT Sebagai Strategi Meningkatkan Daya Saing
M Mashuri, D Nurjannah
JPS (Jurnal Perbankan Syariah) 1 (1), 97-112, 2020
Peran Ganda Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membimbing Siswa Bermasalah di SD Islam Al-Rasyid Pekanbaru
A Fitri, W Wismanto, M Nursikin, M Mashuri, K Amin
Journal on Education 5 (3), 9710-9717, 2023
Analisis Dimensi Loyalitas Pelangan Berdasarkan Perspektif Islam
M Mashuri
IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita 9 (1), 54-64, 2020
Analisis SWOT Sebagai Strategi Meningkatkan Daya Saing. JPS (Jurnal Perbankan Syariah), 1 (1), 97–112
M Mashuri, D Nurjannah
Various magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles synthesized from iron-sands by coprecipitation method at room temperature
S Sunaryono, A Taufiq, M Mashuri, S Pratapa, M Zainuri, T Triwikantoro, ...
Materials Science Forum 827, 229-234, 2015
Penerapan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto Dan Fuzzy Sugeno Dalam Penentuan Harga Jual Sepeda Motor Bekas (Studi Kasus: Showroom Mulyo Motor)
DPP Astuti, M Mashuri
UNNES Journal of Mathematics 9 (2), 74-78, 2020
Mashuri.(2017). Analisis kemampuan komunikasi matematis ditinjau dari gaya belajar siswa kelas VIII pada model pembelajaran Resource Based Learning
YA Anintya, E Pujiastuti
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education 6 (1), 37-43, 0
Analisis strategi pemasaran UMKM di era 4.0
M Mashuri
IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita 8 (2), 215-224, 2019
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Usaha Pedagang Pasar Sukaramai Di Kecamatan Bengkalis
M Mashuri, E Eryana, E Ezril
IQTISHADUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita 8 (1), 138-154, 2019
Family Expectation and Poverty Alleviation Program: Approaches to Family Development Laws, Sustainable Development Goals, and Maqāṣid Sharīa
LHY Astutik, I Nur, M Mashuri
Justicia Islamica 19 (1), 38-56, 2022
Maqāṣid Sharī'ah Flexibility to Overcome COVID-19 in Indonesia: From Government Policies to Fatwā of Council of Indonesian Ulema (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah
M Mashuri, I Nur, MN Muttaqin
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar'iah 13 (2), 240-263, 2021
XRD line‐broadening characteristics of M‐oxides Mg‐Al, Y, Fe) nanoparticles produced by coprecipitation method
S Pratapa, L Susanti, YAS Insany, Z Alfiati, B Hartono, Mashuri, A Taufiq, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1284 (1), 125-128, 2010
Dinamika sistem pendidikan Islam di dayah
M Mashuri
Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika 13 (2), 2013
Pengaruh jenis pakan yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan belut sawah (Monopterus albus Zuieuw)
M Mashuri, S Sumarjan, Z Abidin
Jurnal Perikanan Unram 1 (1), 1-7, 2012
Preparing Nanoparticles from Ions Source by Co‐precipitation Process in Various pH
Darminto, MN Cholishoh, FA Perdana, MA Baqiya, Mashuri, Y Cahyono, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1415 (1), 234-237, 2011
The development of digital book of European history to shape the students’ democratic values
U Nafiáh, M Mashuri, DN Wijaya
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online) 14 (6), 147, 2019
Phototransformation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) Surfactant Using ZnO-CuO Composite Photocatalyst
R Zainul, J Effendi, M Mashuri
KnE Engineering, 235–247-235–247, 2019
Pengelolaan Administrasi Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan
N Jamal, M Syarifah
KABILAH: Journal of Social Community 3 (2), 210-222, 2018
Thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of polyethylene glycol/quartz composites for phase change materials
NA Fauziyah, AR Hilmi, M Zainuri, MZ Asrori, M Mashuri, M Jawaid, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (42), 48130, 2019
Keefektifan model course review horay berbantuan powerpoint pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa
EP Mahanani, S Suhito, M Mashuri
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education 2 (3), 2013
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