antje missbach
antje missbach
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Troubled transit: Asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia
A Missbach
ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 2015
Luxury limbo: Temporal techniques of border control and the humanitarianisation of waiting
A McNevin, A Missbach
International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 4 (1-2), 12-34, 2018
Separatist Conflict in Indonesia: The long-distance politics of the Acehnese diaspora
A Missbach
Routledge, 2017
“The scum of the earth”? Foreign people smugglers and their local counterparts in Indonesia
A Missbach, F Sinanu
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 30 (4), 57-87, 2011
Accommodating asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia: From immigration detention to containment in “alternatives to detention”
A Missbach
Refuge 33 (2), 32-44, 2017
Waiting on the islands of'stuckedness': managing asylum seekers in island detention camps in Indonesia; from the late 1970s to the early 2000s
A Missbach
ASEAS-Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 6 (2), 281-306, 2013
Is Makassar a'Sanctuary City'? Migration Governance in Indonesia After the'Local Turn'
A Missbach, Y Adiputera, A Prabandari
ASEAS-Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 11 (2), 199-216, 2018
Doors and fences: Controlling I ndonesia's porous borders and policing asylum seekers
A Missbach
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 35 (2), 228-244, 2014
The rationalities of migration management: Control and subversion in an Indonesia-based counter-smuggling campaign
A McNevin, A Missbach, D Mulyana
International Political Sociology 10 (3), 223-240, 2016
Hospitality as a horizon of aspiration (or, what the international refugee regime can learn from Acehnese fishermen)
A McNevin, A Missbach
Journal of Refugee Studies 31 (3), 292-313, 2018
Asylum seekers’ and refugees’ decision-making in transit in Indonesia: The need for in-depth and longitudinal research
A Missbach
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-en volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and …, 2019
Perilous waters: people smuggling, fishermen, and hyper-precarious livelihoods on Rote Island, eastern Indonesia
A Missbach
Pacific Affairs 89 (4), 749-770, 2016
Politik jarak jauh diaspora Aceh: suatu gambaran tentang konflik separatis di Indonesia
A Missbach
Introduction: Reconceptualizing transit states in an era of outsourcing, offshoring, and obfuscation
A Missbach, M Phillips
Migration and Society 3 (1), 19-33, 2020
Enforcing labour rights of irregular migrants in Indonesia
W Palmer, A Missbach
Third World Quarterly 40 (5), 908-925, 2019
Muslim solidarity and the lack of effective protection for Rohingya refugees in Southeast Asia
A Missbach, G Stange
Social Sciences 10 (5), 166, 2021
Trials of people smugglers in Indonesia: 2007-2012
M Crouch, A Missbach
Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society Policy Paper, 1-53, 2013
Making a" career" in people-smuggling in Indonesia: protracted transit, restricted mobility and the lack of legal work rights
A Missbach
Sojourn: Journal of social issues in southeast Asia 30 (2), 423-454, 2015
Stalemate: Refugees in Indonesia: Presidential Regulatoin No 125 of 2016
A Missbach, Y Adiputera, A Prabandari, G Critika, FY Swastika, ...
Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society, Melburne Law School, The …, 2018
Indonesia: A country grappling with migrant protection at home and abroad
A Missbach, W Palmer
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