Anthony McGregor
Anthony McGregor
Department of Psychology, Durham University, UK, DH1 3LE
Email yang diverifikasi di durham.ac.uk - Beranda
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A larger hippocampus is associated with longer-lasting spatial memory
R Biegler, A McGregor, JR Krebs, SD Healy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (12), 6941-6944, 2001
Potentiation, overshadowing, and blocking of spatial learning based on the shape of the environment.
JM Pearce, M Graham, MA Good, PM Jones, A McGregor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 32 (3), 201, 2006
Transfer of spatial behavior between different environments: implications for theories of spatial learning and for the role of the hippocampus in spatial learning.
JM Pearce, MA Good, PM Jones, A McGregor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 30 (2), 135, 2004
Context-but not familiarity-dependent forms of object recognition are impaired following excitotoxic hippocampal lesions in rats.
MA Good, P Barnes, V Staal, A McGregor, RC Honey
Behavioral neuroscience 121 (1), 218, 2007
Absence of overshadowing and blocking between landmarks and the geometric cues provided by the shape of a test arena
A Hayward, A McGregor, MA Good, JM Pearce
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 56 (1b), 114-126, 2003
Spatial learning based on the shape of the environment is influenced by properties of the objects forming the shape.
M Graham, MA Good, A McGregor, JM Pearce
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 32 (1), 44, 2006
Hippocampal lesions disrupt navigation based on the shape of the environment.
A McGregor, AJ Hayward, JM Pearce, MA Good
Behavioral neuroscience 118 (5), 1011, 2004
Further evidence that rats rely on local rather than global spatial information to locate a hidden goal: reply to Cheng and Gallistel (2005).
A McGregor, PM Jones, MA Good, JM Pearce
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 32 (3), 314, 2006
Spatial accuracy in food-storing and nonstoring birds
A McGregor, SD Healy
Animal Behaviour 58 (4), 727-734, 1999
Overshadowing of geometry learning by discrete landmarks in the water maze: effects of relative salience and relative validity of competing cues.
Y Kosaki, JM Austen, A McGregor
Journal of experimental psychology: Animal behavior processes 39 (2), 126, 2013
Dorsolateral striatal lesions impair navigation based on landmark-goal vectors but facilitate spatial learning based on a “cognitive map”
Y Kosaki, SL Poulter, JM Austen, A McGregor
Learning & Memory 22 (3), 179-191, 2015
Clever crows or unbalanced birds?
S Dymond, M Haselgrove, A McGregor
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), E336-E336, 2013
Absence of overshadowing between a landmark and geometric cues in a distinctively shaped environment: a test of Miller and Shettleworth (2007).
A McGregor, MR Horne, GR Esber, JM Pearce
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 35 (3), 357, 2009
Impaired processing of local geometric features during navigation in a water maze following hippocampal lesions in rats.
PM Jones, JM Pearce, VJ Davies, MA Good, A McGregor
Behavioral Neuroscience 121 (6), 1258, 2007
Transfer of spatial behaviour controlled by a landmark array with a distinctive shape
GR Esber, A McGregor, MA Good, A Hayward, JM Pearce
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 58 (1b), 69-91, 2005
Blind imitation in pigeons, Columba livia
A McGregor, A Saggerson, J Pearce, C Heyes
Animal Behaviour 72 (2), 287-296, 2006
Revisiting places passed: Sensitization of exploratory activity in rats with hippocampal lesions
RC Honey, VJ Marshall, A McGregor, J Futter, M Good
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (5), 625-634, 2007
Absence of an interaction between navigational strategies based on local and distal landmarks.
A McGregor, MA Good, JM Pearce
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 30 (1), 34, 2004
Hippocampal lesions modulate both associative and nonassociative priming.
VJ Marshall, A McGregor, M Good, RC Honey
Behavioral Neuroscience 118 (2), 377, 2004
Gender-based navigation stereotype improves men’s search for a hidden goal
HES Rosenthal, L Norman, SP Smith, A McGregor
Sex roles 67, 682-695, 2012
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