Paulo Roberto Santos Silva, DSc, PhD, Post PhD, I, II    HCFMUSP
Paulo Roberto Santos Silva, DSc, PhD, Post PhD, I, II HCFMUSP
Pesquisador do Lab de Estudos do Movimento do IOT-HCFMUSP/Lab de Investigação Médica-LIM41 FMUSP
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Comparison of radial shockwaves and conventional physiotherapy for treating plantar fasciitis
JMDA Greve, MV Grecco, PR Santos-Silva
Clinics 64 (2), 97-103, 2009
Positive effects of football on fitness, lipid profile, and insulin resistance in Brazilian patients with type 2 diabetes
SMER Sousa MV, Fukui R, Krustrup P, Pereira RMR, , Silva PRS, Rodrigues AC ...
Scand J Med Sci Sports 24 (Suppl. 1), 57-65, 2014
Blood lactate and oxygen consumption in soccer players: comparison between different positions on the field
PR Santos-Silva, A Pedrinelli, JMDA Greve
MedicalExpress 4 (1), M170102, 2017
Moderate and intense exercise lifestyles attenuate te effects of aging on telomere lenght and the survival and composition of T cell subpopulations
L Silva, AL Araujo, PRS Silva, LE Gercez-Leme, G Bernard
Age 38, 2-16, 2016
Antidepressant Efficacy of Adjunctive Aerobic Activity and Associated Biomarkers in Major Depression: A 4-Week, Randomized, Single-Blind, Controlled Clinical Trial
SC Cristiana, DN Georgia, SS Paulo R, R Machado-Vieira, WF Gattaz
Plos One, e0154195., 2016
Aerobic fitness in professional soccer players after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
HAJ Almeida AM, Santos-Silva PR, Pedrinelli A
PLOS ONE 13 (3), 1-10, 2018
Magnesium status and the physical performance of volleyball players: effects of magnesium supplementation
L Setaro, PR Santos-Silva, EY Nakano, CH Sales, N Nunes, JM Greve, ...
Journal of sports sciences 32 (5), 438-445, 2014
Peptide glutamine supplementation for tolerance of intermittent exercise in soccer players
A Favano, PR Santos-Silva, EY Nakano, A Pedrinelli, AJ Hernandez, ...
Sudden cardiac death athletes: a systematic
M Ferreira, PR Santos-Silva, LC De Abreu, VE Valenti, V Crispim, ...
Avaliação funcional multivariada em jogadores de futebol profissional: uma metanálise
PRS Silva, AM Visconti, A Roldan, AAA Teixeira, AP Seman, JCCR Lolla, ...
Acta fisiátrica 4 (2), 65-81, 1997
Reproducibility of maximum aerobic power (VO2max) among soccer players using a modified heck protocol
PR Santos-Silva, AJ Fonseca, AW de Castro, JMDA Greve, AJ Hernandez
Clinics 62 (4), 391-396, 2007
Effects of exercise on leukocyte death: prevention by hydrolyzed whey protein enriched with glutamine dipeptide
MF Cury-Boaventura, AC Levada-Pires, A Folador, R Gorjão, ...
European journal of applied physiology 103 (3), 289-294, 2008
A importância do limiar anaeróbio e do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 máx.) em jogadores de futebol
PRS Silva, A Romano, AAA Teixeira, AM Visconti, CDMN Roxo, ...
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 5, 225-232, 1999
Anti-hypertensive drugs have different effects on ventricular hypertrophy regression
C Ferreira Filho, LC Abreu, VE Valenti, M Ferreira, A Meneghini, ...
Clinics 65, 723-728, 2010
Efeito do treinamento físico de membros superiores aeróbio de curta duração no deficiente físico com hipertensão leve
S Haddad, PRS Silva, AC Pereira Barretto, I Ferraretto
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 69, 169-173, 1997
Association between muscle strength and the cardiopulmonary status of individuals living with HIV/AIDS
GJ Raso V, Shephard RJ, Casseb J, Duarte AJS, Santos-Silva PR
Clinics 68 (3), 359-364, 2013
O papel do fisiologista desportivo no futebol: para quê & por quê?
PRS Silva
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 6, 165-169, 2000
Efeito do treinamento muscular realizado com pesos, variando a carga contínua e intermitente em jogadores de futebol
PRS Silva
Acta fisiátrica 8 (1), 18-23, 2001
Development of an efficient distribution transformer using amorphous core and vegetable insulating oil
DLP Feil, PR Silva, DP Bernardon, TB Marchesan, M Sperandio, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 144, 268-279, 2017
Muscle strength and body composition in severe obesity.
SMA Gaducci Alexandre V, Cleva Roberto , Santarém Gabriela CF, Santos-Silva ...
CLINICS 72 (5), 272-275, 2017
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