Kun Yan
Kun Yan
Ph.D. candidate, University of Arizona
Email yang diverifikasi di email.arizona.edu
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“But first let me take a selfie”: US adolescent girls’ selfie activities, self-objectification, imaginary audience beliefs, and appearance concerns
L Terán, K Yan, JS Aubrey
Journal of Children and Media 14 (3), 343-360, 2020
The heterosexual script on tween, teen, and young-adult television programs: A content analytic update and extension
JS Aubrey, K Yan, L Terán, L Roberts
The journal of sex research 57 (9), 1134-1145, 2020
“Not as attractive and communicatively competent as I expected”: The effects of expectancy violations on relational outcomes during modality switching in online dating
P Zhao, K Yan
Computers in Human Behavior 131, 107203, 2022
A sexy post a day brings the “likes” your way: A content analytic investigation of sexualization in fraternity Instagram posts
K Yan, J Salmon, JS Aubrey
Sexuality & Culture 26 (2), 685-706, 2022
Vaccine misinformation types and properties in Russian troll tweets
EL Warner, JL Barbati, KL Duncan, K Yan, SA Rains
Vaccine 40 (6), 953-960, 2022
Instagram influences: An examination of the tripartite influence model of body image among a racially diverse sample of young-adult women
H Gahler, L Dajches, L Terán, K Yan, JS Aubrey
Computers in Human Behavior 145, 107785, 2023
Investigating disparities by sex and LGBTQ identity: a content analysis of sexual health information on college student health center websites
JS Aubrey, MJ Pitts, BR Lutovsky, J Jiao, K Yan, SJ Stanley
Journal of Health Communication 25 (7), 584-593, 2020
Communicating about sex when it matters: a content analytic investigation of sexual health information on college student health center websites
SJ Stanley, K Yan, J Jiao, BR Lutovsky, JS Aubrey, MJ Pitts
Journal of Applied Communication Research 47 (5), 591-610, 2019
Not another teen show: Exploring the impact of sexual scripts in sexually oriented teenage television on adolescent girls’ romantic relationship and sexual expectations
L Dajches, L Terán, K Yan, JS Aubrey
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 65 (4), 575-594, 2021
Analyzing US state governments’ COVID-19 homepages during the initial lockdown in March and April 2020: Information content and interactivity
B Yang, Y Li, K Yan, Y Choi, B Bennett-Jones
Health Communication 38 (7), 1327-1337, 2023
Are we past the heterosexual script? A content analysis of contextual cues within the heterosexual script in tween, teen, and young adult television programs
L Terán, L Roberts, K Yan, JS Aubrey
Mass Communication and Society 25 (3), 361-382, 2022
Russian troll vaccine misinformation dissemination on Twitter: The role of political partisanship
K Yan, JL Barbati, KL Duncan, EL Warner, SA Rains
Health Communication 38 (8), 1591-1600, 2023
Is sexual consent sexy?: Investigating the effects of a televised depiction of verbal sexual consent on college students’ sexual consent attitudes and behavioral intentions
JS Aubrey, L Terán, L Dajches, H Gahler, K Yan
Health Communication 38 (12), 2527-2536, 2023
dating intentions and sexual self-presentations: a content analysis of users’ profile pictures on online dating services
K Yan
The University of Arizona., 2018
Engagement with incivility in tweets from and directed at local elected officials
SA Rains, K Kenski, L Dajches, K Duncan, K Yan, Y Shin, JL Barbati, ...
Communication and Democracy 57 (1), 143-152, 2023
The costs of sexualization: Examining viewers’ perceptions of sexualized profile owners in online dating.
K Yan, L Terán, H Gahler, J Salmon, L Dajches, J Stevens Aubrey
Psychology of Popular Media 12 (1), 105, 2023
Birds of a feather flocking together on Instagram: How racially similar followers and followings on Instagram are linked to young women’s body image
H Gahler, J Zeng, K Yan, L Terán, L Dajches, JS Aubrey
Body Image 47, 101626, 2023
Digital technologies and adolescents’ body image
JS Aubrey, K Yan, H Gahler
Academic Press, 2023
# Grab,# touch,# drink: A content analysis of college party culture in Instagram fraternity pictures.
L Terán, H Gahler, J Stevens Aubrey, K Yan
Psychology of Popular Media, 2023
Gender-based media stereotypes and their effects on audiences: The more gender changes, the more media representation stays the same
JS Aubrey, K Yan
Media stereotypes: From ageism to xenophobia, 73-91, 2020
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