Maarja Ojamaa
Maarja Ojamaa
Researcher of semiotics of culture, Tartu University
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On the digital semiosphere: Culture, media and science for the Anthropocene
J Hartley, I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2020
Transmediality of cultural autocommunication
M Ojamaa, P Torop
International Journal of Cultural Studies 18 (1), 61-78, 2015
Transmedia Critical| What Is the Cultural Function and Value of European Transmedia Independents?
I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
International journal of communication 8, 18, 2014
The creativity of digital (audiovisual) archives: A dialogue between media archaeology and cultural semiotics
I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
Theory, Culture & Society 37 (3), 49-70, 2020
Culture as education: From transmediality to transdisciplinary pedagogy
M Ojamaa, P Torop, A Fadeev, A Milyakina, T Pilipovec, M Rickberg
Sign Systems Studies 47 (1/2), 152-176, 2019
A hundred introductions to semiotics, for a million students: Survey of semiotics textbooks and primers in the world
K Kull, O Bogdanova, R Gramigna, O Heinapuu, E Lepik, K Lindström, ...
Sign Systems Studies 43 (2/3), 281-346, 2015
The transmedial aspect of cultural autocommunication
M Ojamaa
Dissertationes Semioticae Universitatis Tartuensis 19, 2015
Emergent self-mediating classes in the digital semiosphere: Covid-19 conspiracies and the climate justice movement
J Hartley, I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
Nordic Journal of Media Studies 3 (1), 118-140, 2021
On the Digital Semiosphere: Culture
J Hartley, I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
Media and Science for the Anthropocene, Bloomsbury Academic, London, New York, 2020
Newsreels versus newspapers versus metadata: A comparative study of metadata modelling the 1930s in Estonia
I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture 7 (14), 123-137, 2018
Estonia: Transmedial disruptions and converging conceptualizations in a small country
I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
Global Convergence Cultures, 83-97, 2018
Lotman and Media Studies
I Ibrus, M Ojamaa
The Companion to Juri Lotman: A Semiotic Theory of Culture, 432-445, 2022
Literature on screen: teaching adaptations in a multimodal course
A Milyakina, M Ojamaa, T Pilipovec, M Rickberg
Media Practice and Education 21 (3), 229-239, 2020
Kuidas mõista andmestunud maailma? Metodoloogiline teejuht
A Masso, K Tiidenberg, A Siibak, A Aasa, M Ainsaar, M Beilmann, ...
TLÜ kirjastus, 2020
Hotspots for textual dynamics: cultural semiotic approach to digital archives
M Ojamaa, I Ibrus
Semiotica 2021 (243), 387-407, 2021
Kultuuripärand ja digitaalne lugemine: raamatu ja platvormi vahel/Cultural heritage and digital reading: between book and platform
M Ojamaa, P Torop
Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica 21 (26), 2020
Teaching Cultural Literacies with Films: Using the Online Platform Education on Screen in Secondary School Classrooms.
M Ojamaa, A Milyakina
Film Education Journal 2 (2), 118-133, 2019
Kultuurimälu transmeedialisus. Rand Teise maailmasõja paadipõgenemisi vahendavates kunstitekstides
M Ojamaa
Keel ja Kirjandus 56 (08-09), 698-713, 2013
Transmediality and Cultural Semiotics
N Dusi
Baltic Screen Media Review, 119-126, 2015
Intersemiotics & Cultural Transfer
K Króo, K Juracek, M Ojamaa
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