Diego Alessandro Sánchez
Diego Alessandro Sánchez
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A fundamental plane for field star-forming galaxies
MA Lara-López, J Cepa, A Bongiovanni, AMP García, A Ederoclite, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 521, L53, 2010
The ALHAMBRA Survey: Bayesian photometric redshifts with 23 bands for 3 deg2
A Molino, N Benítez, M Moles, A Fernández-Soto, D Cristóbal-Hornillos, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 441 (4), 2891-2922, 2014
Starburst to Quiescent from HST/ALMA: Stars and Dust Unveil Minor Mergers in Submillimeter Galaxies at z∼ 4.5
C Gómez-Guijarro, S Toft, A Karim, B Magnelli, GE Magdis, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 856 (2), 121, 2018
Study of star-forming galaxies in SDSS up to redshift 0.4-II. Evolution from the fundamental parameters: mass, metallicity and star formation rate
MA Lara-López, A Bongiovanni, J Cepa, AMP García, M Sánchez-Portal, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 519, A31, 2010
AGN-host galaxy connection: morphology and colours of X-ray selected AGN at z≤ 2
M Pović, M Sánchez-Portal, AMP García, A Bongiovanni, J Cepa, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 541, A118, 2012
Star formation of far-IR AGN and non-AGN galaxies in the green valley: possible implication of AGN positive feedback
A Mahoro, M Pović, P Nkundabakura
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471 (3), 3226-3233, 2017
The ALHAMBRA survey: accurate merger fractions derived by PDF analysis of photometrically close pairs
C López-Sanjuan, AJ Cenarro, J Varela, K Viironen, A Molino, N Benítez, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 576, A53, 2015
Probing the nuclear and circumnuclear activity of NGC 1365 in the infrared
A Alonso-Herrero, M Sánchez-Portal, C Ramos Almeida, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 425 (1), 311-324, 2012
Stellar populations of galaxies in the ALHAMBRA survey up to z~ 1-I. MUFFIT: A multi-filter fitting code for stellar population diagnostics
LA Díaz-García, AJ Cenarro, C López-Sanjuan, I Ferreras, J Varela, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 582, A14, 2015
Otelo survey: Deep BVRI broadband photometry of the groth strip. II. Optical properties of X-ray emitters
M Pović, M Sánchez-Portal, AMP García, A Bongiovanni, J Cepa, E Alfaro, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 706 (1), 810, 2009
The ALHAMBRA survey: reliable morphological catalogue of 22 051 early-and late-type galaxies
M Pović, M Huertas-Company, JAL Aguerri, I Márquez, J Masegosa, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 435 (4), 3444-3461, 2013
Restarting activity in the nucleus of PBC J2333. 9-2343-An extreme case of jet realignment
L Hernández-García, F Panessa, M Giroletti, G Ghisellini, L Bassani, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 603, A131, 2017
Optical spectroscopy of local type-1 AGN LINERs
S Cazzoli, I Márquez, J Masegosa, A del Olmo, M Pović, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (1), 1106-1162, 2018
The ALHAMBRA survey: evolution of galaxy clustering since z ∼ 1
P Arnalte-Mur, VJ Martínez, P Norberg, A Fernández-Soto, B Ascaso, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 441 (2), 1783-1801, 2014
Resolving the nuclear dust distribution of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3081
C Ramos Almeida, M Sánchez-Portal, AM Pérez García, JA Acosta-Pulido, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 417 (1), L46-L50, 2011
The nuclear and extended infrared emission of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and the interacting system Arp 245
I García-Bernete, C Ramos Almeida, JA Acosta-Pulido, A Alonso-Herrero, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449 (2), 1309-1326, 2015
The OTELO survey-I. Description, data reduction, and multi-wavelength catalogue
Á Bongiovanni, M Ramón-Pérez, AMP García, J Cepa, M Cerviño, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 631, A9, 2019
The impact from survey depth and resolution on the morphological classification of galaxies
M Pović, I Márquez, J Masegosa, J Perea, A Olmo, C Simpson, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453 (2), 1644-1668, 2015
Stellar populations of galaxies in the ALHAMBRA survey up to z∼ 1-II. Stellar content of quiescent galaxies within the dust-corrected stellar mass–colour and the UVJ colour …
LA Díaz-García, AJ Cenarro, C López-Sanjuan, I Ferreras, M Cerviño, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 631, A156, 2019
Galaxy clusters and groups in the ALHAMBRA survey
B Ascaso, N Benítez, A Fernández-Soto, P Arnalte-Mur, C López-Sanjuan, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452 (1), 549-565, 2015
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