Nancy C Jordan
Nancy C Jordan
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Early math matters: kindergarten number competence and later mathematics outcomes.
NC Jordan, D Kaplan, C Ramineni, MN Locuniak
Developmental psychology 45 (3), 850, 2009
Early identification and interventions for students with mathematics difficulties
R Gersten, NC Jordan, JR Flojo
Journal of learning disabilities 38 (4), 293-304, 2005
Number sense growth in kindergarten: A longitudinal investigation of children at risk for mathematics difficulties
NC Jordan, D Kaplan, L Nabors Oláh, MN Locuniak
Child development 77 (1), 153-175, 2006
Predicting first–grade math achievement from developmental number sense trajectories
NC Jordan, D Kaplan, MN Locuniak, C Ramineni
Learning disabilities research & practice 22 (1), 36-46, 2007
A longitudinal study of mathematical competencies in children with specific mathematics difficulties versus children with comorbid mathematics and reading difficulties
NC Jordan, LB Hanich, D Kaplan
Child development 74 (3), 834-850, 2003
The importance of number sense to mathematics achievement in first and third grades
NC Jordan, J Glutting, C Ramineni
Learning and individual differences 20 (2), 82-88, 2010
Performance across different areas of mathematical cognition in children with learning difficulties.
LB Hanich, NC Jordan, D Kaplan, J Dick
Journal of educational psychology 93 (3), 615, 2001
Socioeconomic variation, number competence, and mathematics learning difficulties in young children
NC Jordan, SC Levine
Developmental disabilities research reviews 15 (1), 60-68, 2009
Cognitive arithmetic and problem solving: A comparison of children with specific and general mathematics difficulties
NC Jordan, TO Montani
Journal of learning disabilities 30 (6), 624-634, 1997
Arithmetic fact mastery in young children: A longitudinal investigation
NC Jordan, LB Hanich, D Kaplan
Journal of experimental child psychology 85 (2), 103-119, 2003
Using kindergarten number sense to predict calculation fluency in second grade
MN Locuniak, NC Jordan
Journal of learning disabilities 41 (5), 451-459, 2008
Competence with fractions predicts gains in mathematics achievement
DH Bailey, MK Hoard, L Nugent, DC Geary
Journal of experimental child psychology 113 (3), 447-455, 2012
Mathematical thinking in second-grade children with different forms of LD
NC Jordan, LB Hanich
Journal of learning disabilities 33 (6), 567-578, 2000
A mental model for early arithmetic.
J Huttenlocher, NC Jordan, SC Levine
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 123 (3), 284, 1994
Developmental predictors of fraction concepts and procedures
NC Jordan, N Hansen, LS Fuchs, RS Siegler, R Gersten, D Micklos
Journal of experimental child psychology 116 (1), 45-58, 2013
Improving at-risk learners’ understanding of fractions.
LS Fuchs, RF Schumacher, J Long, J Namkung, CL Hamlett, PT Cirino, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 105 (3), 683, 2013
Differential calculation abilities in young children from middle-and low-income families.
NC Jordan, J Huttenlocher, SC Levine
Developmental Psychology 28 (4), 644, 1992
Development of calculation abilities in young children
SC Levine, NC Jordan, J Huttenlocher
Journal of experimental child psychology 53 (1), 72-103, 1992
A number sense intervention for low-income kindergartners at risk for mathematics difficulties
NI Dyson, NC Jordan, J Glutting
Journal of learning disabilities 46 (2), 166-181, 2013
Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective
L Kaufmann, MM Mazzocco, A Dowker, M von Aster, SM Göbel, ...
Frontiers in psychology 4, 516, 2013
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