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Kebangkitan etnis menuju politik identitas
SA Buchari
Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2014
Micro influencers marketing and brand image to purchase intention of cosmetic products focallure
P Isyanto, RG Sapitri, O Sinaga
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (1), 601-605, 2020
The Role Of Renewable, Non-Renewable Energy Consumption And Technology Innovation In Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve In Malaysia
MHM Saudi, O Sinaga
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (1), 299-307, 2019
The role of tax education in supply chain management a case of Indonesian supply chain companies
MHM Saudi, HO Sinaga, DS Roespinoedji
Polish Journal of Management Studies 18 (2), 284-299, 2018
The effect of green innovation in influencing sustainable performance: Moderating role of managerial environmental concern
MHM Saudi, O Sinaga, Z Zainudin
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (1), 303-310, 2019
The role of renewable, non-renewable electricity consumption and carbon emission in development in Indonesia: Evidence from Distributed Lag Tests
MHM Saudi, O Sinaga, D Roespinoedji, MSA Razimi
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (3), 46-52, 2019
The dynamic relationship between natural gas and economic growth: Evidence from Indonesia
O Sinaga, MHM Saudi, DS Roespinoedji, MSA Razimi
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (3), 388-394, 2019
Terorisme Kanan Indonesia: Dinamika dan Penanggulangannya
O Sinaga, R Prayitno, I Montratama
PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2017, 2018
Otonomi Daerah dan Kebijakan Publik: Implementasi Kerjasama Internasional
O Sinaga
Bandung: Lepsindo, 2010
The impact of technological innovation on energy intensity: evidence from Indonesia
MHM Saudi, O Sinaga, D Roespinoedji, EK Ghani
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (3), 11-17, 2019
Industrial, Commercial, and Agricultural Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Leading to Environmental Degradation.
MHM Saudi, O Sinaga, D Roespinoedji, NH Jabarullah
Ekoloji Dergisi, 2019
Environmental Impact of Biomass Energy Consumption on Sustainable Development: Evidence from ARDL Bound Testing Approach.
O Sinaga, MHM Saudi, D Roespinoedji, NH Jabarullah
Ekoloji Dergisi, 2019
The Impact of Hydropower Energy on the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Malaysia
O Sinaga, O Alaeddin, NH Jabarullah
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (1), 308-315, 2019
Analysis of Current Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Good Corporate Governance against Company Value.
D Mulyadi, O Sinaga
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (1), 2020
Education and core skills in the performance with mediating role of employee innovation
O Sinaga, M Lis, MSA Razimi
Polish Journal of Management Studies 19, 2019
Indonesia in the South China Sea Dispute: Humble-Hard Power
O Sinaga, V Robertua
Global & Strategis 11 (2), 73-83, 2018
The Impact Of 7p’s Of Marketing on The Performance of The Higher Education Institutions.
D Dally, O Sinaga, MH bin Mohd Saudi
Review of International Geographical Education Online 11 (3), 2021
Culture, environment and e-learning as factor in student performance (case studies in management accounting study programs)
R Rachmawati, E Octavia, SD Herawati, O Sinaga
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7 (4A), 72, 2019
Penanggulangan Kejahatan Internasional Cyber Crime di Indonesia
HO Sinaga
Makalah Bahan Diskusi Seminar Nasional Ikatan Cendikiawan Muslim se …, 2010
The relationship between economic indicators, gross domestic product (GDP) and supply chain performance
O Sinaga, MHM Saudi, D Roespinoedji
Polish Journal of Management Studies 18 (1), 338-352, 2018
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